Chapter Five

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Love Mama Marshmallow xox


“I can do the dishes. It’s late, go to bed.” James offered kindly, as he stared at me with worry once we had finished dinner.

“Are you sure?” I asked unsurely, stifling a yawn.

“Yes, go sleep, you look dead on your feet.” James smiled lovingly, and placed a peck on my temple lightly.

“Alright then, since you insist. I’m going to take a shower first though.” I grinned, and trudged into my bedroom to gather my pyjamas.

I finally decided on simple grey sweatpants, and a loose black crop top.  I grabbed a matching pair of black lacy underwear as I walked past her dresser. I walked into the bathroom, and hung my pyjamas on the clothes rack.

I turned on the shower, and set it to the perfect temperature, and stripped out of my sweaty dance clothes, and tossed them in the hamper. I stepped into the warm shower, and shut my eyes tightly. I was determined to forget my stresses and focus on the hot water unknotting my tightened muscles.

I washed me exhausted body with vanilla body wash, and shaved my legs and arms thoroughly and carefully. I finally washed my hair with my beloved green apple shampoo and conditioner. When I was finished washing and cleaning myself, I just stood in the shower, letting the water fall over my body like a warm, sweet-smelling waterfall. My body refused to step out of the warm sanctuary.

At last, as the water turned cold, I reluctantly shut off the water, and stepped out into the freezing air. I had no idea how long I was in the shower for. The warm water had let me forget my worries and stresses, just as I had wished.

I wrapped the big, fluffy white towel around my steaming body, and harshly scrubbed the water off of my clammy body. I was anxious to put her clothes on, as I was freezing. When I was completely dry, I wrapped the towel around my hair.

I quickly dressed, pulling on my clean undergarments, followed by my sweatpants and crop top. I sighed in relief, as I was now warmer than I was before.

I tossed the dampened white towel into the clothes hamper in the corner of the room. I rinsed my toothbrush and squirted a fair amount along the firm bristles. I shoved the brush in my mouth, and firmly cleaned my straight, white teeth. I spat in the basin, and rinsed my mouth, before cleansing my face with moisturiser.

I sprayed deodorant and perfume on myself, determined to smell good. I smiled at her reflection, and headed downstairs to check on James. The lights were off and the kitchen was spotless.

“He must have went to bed.” I said quietly, and looked at the grandfather clock by the TV stand. It read ten o’clock.

I  headed to my bedroom, and opened the door, closing it behind me with s hardly noticeable ‘click’.

I pulled my thick bed covers back, and climbed into bed, snuggling deep in the covers and thick mattress. I sighed in relief. It was time for sleep. I closed my eyes gently, and slowly fell asleep.

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