Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Brooke’s POV*

“Niall, quickly get changed! The boys and Dani will be over for dinner soon,” I murmured sweetly in Nialler’s ear as he finished his little nap, on the living room couch. Niall and I were hosting a dinner with the boys and Danielle, so we could all catch up and so they could see our flat.

“Alright baby,” Niall replied softly, stirring. I pressed a kiss to his forehead, and quickly ran back into our bedroom. I was wearing a simple, soft red dress that fell to my mid-thigh and was sleeveless. I paired the outfit with a pair of black heels with red soles, and left my hair down and wavy. I hadn’t ever taken off my engagement ring or the locket Niall gave me for my birthday.

“Hey, princess, the chicken is cooked!” I heard Niall call from the kitchen, and I smiled softly, as I finished applying my makeup.

“Okay honey!” I shouted back, as I left our bedroom and walked down the small hallway and into the kitchen. I grinned, when I noticed Niall was both neatly dressed, and had covered the chicken and put it in the fridge to cool down. I had already prepared a healthy spring salad, with carefully diced tomato, cucumber, fresh lettuce, corn and pineapple, cheese and a simple dressing. We were eating cold roast chicken, salad, and some boiled eggs for dinner—a simple spring dinner with friends.

 “Look at you, being all organised,”  I teased, as Niall scooped me up in his arms, staring down at me with a soft expression.

My arms automatically went around his neck, “Well maybe, I thought, we have a little extra time to ourselves.” Niall whispered slyly, and my eyes fluttered shut as he pressed his lips to mine gently. I played with his blonde hair as our lips moved slowly.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Niall and I slowly pulled away. I smiled at him, as he gently set me on the ground. Nialler gave my bum a slight tap, as I walked over to answer the door.  I looked back at him with an amused expression.

I pulled back the lock, and opened the door, to reveal my best friend. Danielle was wearing a black evening dress and matching black heels, and she was carrying a carefully covered chocolate cake.

“Hey Dan,” I chirped, giving her a kiss on the cheek and a careful one-armed hug. She grinned, and held the cake out to me.

“I made dessert,” Danielle smiled and I took it, giggling brightly.

“Thanks Dan,” I pulled the door open wider, and welcomed her into my home. As she walked in to the flat, I closed the door and walked towards the island, and put the cake on it. Niall wrapped an arm around my waist, as Dan looked around.

“Wow, Brooke and Niall, your place is actually so beautiful, I really like it,” Danielle exclaimed in awe.

“Thanks Dani, it took us a while, but we got there,” Niall replied, smiling, as he kissed my brown hair gently.

“Yes we did,” I echoed, smiling up at my fiancé fondly. I turned to Danielle, “When the boys get here, we’ll give you a tour.”

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