Chapter 1 - "I'll...see you later"

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Not a day went by where Bakugo didn't explode in his classmates faces. That was a well-known fact. And you'd think that everyone would get the hint and stop annoying him in order to avoid that. But they never did.

"So Bakubro how do you feel now that Todobroki is basically as strong as you?" Kirishima asked.

"Maybe even stronger!" Denki added.

Bakugo's eye twitched as he failed at containing his anger.

"WHAT ARE YOU GETTING AT HUH?!" He roared, hands sparking up with mini-explosions.

The friends laughed, unfazed by the expected outburst.

"That icy-hot bastard will NEVER be as a good as me. You hear me Shitty Hair and you sad excuse for Pikachu?!" Bakugo couldn't stand whenever his friends brought up Todoroki or Midoryia. Both of them were nerdy extras that Bakugo needed to get rid of in order to become the top hero he wanted to be.

However, ignoring these tantrums he had in front of his friends. Behind closed doors he was actually quite level-headed. Not with Midoryia, but, with a certain peppermint head.

"Icyhot, what did you get for number 6?" The blond asked, tapping his pen against the equation.

Todoroki read over his paper for a moment before saying the result out loud for Bakugo to hear.

"X= 8/3 or X= 9" He states, watching as Katsuki's face contorts in confusion. And then into a frown.

"That's not right...I got the 9 but the first one I didn't get. I found -8/3..." He said, showing the younger the set of equations that lead him to that result.

Todoroki compared them to his own set of equations and found the mistake.

"You forgot to turn the 8 positive when you added it to the other side." He said simply, pushing up his circular silver-framed glasses.

Katsuki nodded and erased the mistake, replacing it with the correct number. Now if it were anyone else, regardless of who was right, Bakugo would never dream of being this nice and respectful even if they were only trying to help.

But with Todoroki, it was different. He could accept defeat around him. Sure sometimes it was frustrating but he never blamed the other for it.

"It's 11:44 we've been studying for 4 hours now. You should head back to your dorm." The younger said, glancing at his alarm clock.

"Sure." The blond began packing up his things, making sure to now accidentally grab anything of Todoroki's.

"Is this your pen or mine?" Bakugo held up a blue gel ink pen. Shoto thought for a moment and rummaged through his pencil case. Pulling out an identical one he said,


Katsuki nodded and zipped up his backpack. Holding out his fist Todoroki bumped his own against it.

"Same time tomorrow?"


As usual nothing else was said before Katsuki left the room.

"I'll...see you later Todoroki." Never mind then.

Before the other got a chance to reply Bakugo had already closed the door behind him.

Walking back to his room all the blond could think about was Shoto's stupidly cute face. The way his head tilts in confusion when he doesn't understand something, the way his gaze softens when Bakugo smiled, the way his lips twitch upwards when the blond makes a funny remark. Everything about him was so enthralling.

Collapsing onto his bed Bakugo scans over his homework once more to make sure everything was done. He grins stupidly when he sees little doodles drawn by his classmate.

Name: kᥲ𝗍sᥙkі ᑲᥲkᥙg᥆ ❀✰
Date: 04/02 ☂︎︎♬

God he was precious.

He would never admit it but the Icy-hot bastard was a good person. Much less annoying than that stupid Deku.

Still though, he was an extra Bakugo needed to surpass. The only reason he tolerated him for long periods of time is so he can better himself. He still pissed him off when they trained by refusing to use his fire sometimes.

Not to mention the fact that he was always with the damn nerd, making it hard for Bakugo to hang out with him outside of their study sessions. They began a few weeks ago when Bakugo had somehow forgotten to study for a big hero studies test. How humiliating. He quickly found out that Shoto had also forgotten and had planned on cramming for it the night before. Against his better judgement Katsuki asked if he could join. The peppermint-head, though surprised, agreed that studying together would be highly beneficial.

And he was right, they both got 97/100.
Aizawa was very surprised, because everyone else had scored below 90 (Momo and Iida got exactly 90)

But that didn't matter, because the nerd got 85, once again proving Bakugo's superiority over him. Todoroki didn't seem too content with the grade but the blond chalked it up to him constantly wanting to get a perfect score per his dirt bag of a father's wishes.

The next time they had a test, it was Todoroki who had asked to study together. This time they had a few days to work. Bakugo was obviously very reluctant but was reminded by his friends how well he had done the last time he studied with the two-toned male.

In reality the Bakusquad didn't care if Bakugo performed well, they just wanted him to make more friends. And the Dekusquad thought the same thing, hence Midoryia giving Shoto the idea in the first place.

Maybe Bakugo was a little upset that Todoroki had gone and told everyone that they worked together, but his classmates knew better than the tease him about it.

They have a math test in 2 days, and Katsuki is certain he'll do well. Why wouldn't he? He has Icy-hot helping him. But that doesn't mean they're friends. Not at all. They're simply rivals who benefit from each other's qualities. Simple as that.

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