Chapter 6 - "Are you limping?"

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Ok so maybe punishment would have to wait. He had asked Shoto if they could 'study' together that night and the other boy shook his head and told him that he was going home for the night per his father's request.

This was frustrating but unavoidable. Bakugo knew better than to challenge Endeavor's authority in the name of fucking his son.

So now Katsuki was at his dorm doing homework. They had a long assignment due in a week and he didn't want to fall behind. Maybe it was for the best that he had the evening free.

As he continued writing suddenly an idea struck him like a lightning bolt.

• • •

"Shoto! Good to see you home!" A young woman greeted, letting her younger brother into the house. Said brother smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"I've missed you." He told her, she grinned and walked further into the house.

"Father will be home in about 30 minutes. You can shower and get changed, I'll have dinner ready in an hour or so." Fuyumi instructed. Shoto nodded and she ruffled up his hair.

"Go on then- Are you limping?" She questioned, surprised to him walk in such a strange way.

"Ah right..." Fuck he had not come up with an excuse for this yet. "I was sparring with Bakugo and he kicked me in the leg. Hasn't fully recovered yet. Recovery girl said it's too minor for her to need to heal it with her quirk. I just need to take it easy for a few days." Todoroki lied. His sister seemed to buy it though.

"Goodness Shoto you really need to watch out for yourself. I don't want you coming home one day with a broken back or something!"

'Ironic..' He chuckled to himself.

"Yes yes I promise I will be careful. I'll see you later Fuyu." The boy didn't hear her answer as he rushed up the stairs. Entering his room he sighed in relief that she bought his half-assed excuse. Though he wasn't technically lying in that Bakugo was involved. Just not in the way she thought.

As the cool water ran down his back he kept thinking about the short conversation the two had earlier.

"Oi, can we study today?"


"You know what I meant."

"Ah, as much as I'd like to, my father requires me to be home this evening. Tomorrow?"

"Sure fucker."

Shoto didn't really understand how he was the fucker in this situation but he didn't question it. Did he sound desperate when he said that he'd have liked to be able to 'study' with the blond? God he hoped not.

The two-toned male still wasn't entirely sure was possessed him when he agreed to this arrangement, but he doubted he could back out of it now. And he can't even talk about it because then he'd be seen as a whore or a slut. (Somehow he wouldn't mind if Bakugo referred to him as such)

Everything was so confusing. But he couldn't voice these things to Katsuki, I mean sure they were fucking but they weren't together. The blond made that abundantly clear. And Todoroki was more than fine with that.

But it would be nice to be able to talk to him as a friend and not a rival or fuck buddy. Oh well.

• • •

Bakugo was in his bed, scrolling through TikTok. Just then his mom came into the room.

"Brat! You finished the assignment already?" Mitsuki asked.

"Nah I'm planning on finishing it tomorrow. I'm pretty tired." The red-eyed boy said. The older blonde nodded and handed him his water bottle for the night.

"You left it in the kitchen. I love you Katsuki, sleep well." She said, kissing his head and leaving the room.

"Good night mom!" He called out.

He wasn't actually planning on finishing the damn thing. No, he had a much better idea in mind. One that he hoped Shoto would like too.

Wait why did he care if the bastard liked the idea? Bakugo is the one who gives the orders and Icy-hot respects them, simple. But I guess it's better if he's at least accepting of the idea.

'Ugh this is so confusing, do I ask him first? But if I do he'll think I care about his opinion!'

'He knows we aren't together so maybe it wouldn't hurt if I just ran it by him beforehand. Like tomorrow in class or something.'

Deciding that was the best way of going about it, Bakugo switched off his phone and buried his face in the pillow. The faint scent of expensive cologne wafted through the air.

'Why does it smell like icy-hot?' Sitting up, he realized he was still wearing his shirt.
'Oh, I'll have to return it tomorrow as well. Can't believe how small it is on me...'

This caused the blond's mind to remember how small the other's waist felt against his calloused hands. It felt nice, like they were puzzle pieces fitting together perfectly.

Turning off his lamp, he shut his eyes and drifted off.

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