Chapter 9 - "What the fuck are you on about?"

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Sunday rolled around and the two boys hadn't communicated at all. Strangely enough, Bakugo was yearning for the next time he could pound into Todoroki like there was no tomorrow. But he blamed that on teenage hormones.

Shoto hadn't really noticed the time passing. He was laser focused on figuring out what the blond had planned for their next session. And after the little stunt they pulled in the bathroom, he knew it wouldn't matter if it was in public or otherwise.

Sitting at his desk, he finally completed the worksheet Midnight gave them. It was quite long and tedious but of course the boy managed with no issues.

Stretching his hands he sighed in annoyance, it was almost time for dinner. Today was their traditional 'class dinner' night, which meant he couldn't just make cold soba and eat it in his room. He had to go out, sit with the others, eat whatever nasty food they decided on (anything that wasn't cold soba basically) and try to socialize (per Midoryia's request).

He was wearing sweats and a tank top, but he was too lazy to change so he dragged himself downstairs. Once he made it he practically threw himself onto the couch. Curling into a ball he rested his forehead on his knees. The feeling of someone smacking the back of his head is what brought him back down to earth.

Looking up in confusion he saw Bakugo walking away from him. Rolling his eyes he reluctantly got up and sat down at the table. One by one their classmates showed up and sat down as well.

Momo was the first to take notice of Shoto's interesting outfit choice.

"Todo, are you not...cold?" She said. Looking around, the taller boy noticed how almost everyone had a hoodie or a sweater one. Except Bakugo, who was shirtless.

"No." He answered drinking some water. He wasn't thirsty but he had nothing else to do. Yaoyorozu chuckled and struck up a conversation with Mina.

"Thanks Bakubro!" Kirishima exclaimed, once the blond had set down all the food. Said blond just grunted in response (That's Bakugo for: You're welcome, or fuck off depends on the context).

"Yeah thanks Kacchan!" Deku cheered. Katsuki grunted again. (In this case it means fuck off)

Todoroki made eye contact with him and parroted what his classmates had said.

"Thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome."

Several eyes widened but no one voiced their thoughts. As they were eating, the two-toned male let his wander to his fuck buddy's chest.

Hold on.

He wasn't sure if he was seeing things but unless Bakugo had smuggled a cat into the dorms, those marks on his shoulder blades were given to him by none other than Shoto.


If anyone took notice of that they never brought it up. Until they did.

"Say Kacchan, did you...get into a fight with a pack of angry kittens?" Izuku questioned, cutting a piece of meat with his knife.

His childhood enemy glared at him,

"What the fuck are you on about?" He snarled. Deku squeaked but calmed down.

"Well um...your back is covered in scratches..." At that everyone tried at to get a peak to see what the greenette was talking about. And see they did.

"Oh my god yeah."

"Dude what happened?"

"Does that not hurt?"

"Where'd you get them?"

"They aren't deep so maybe it was an accident?"

Slamming his fists on the table, Bakugo death glared all of them (except Shoto who had remained quiet)

"SHUT THE FUCK UP. My old hag has a cat back at her place. I sleep shirtless and on my stomach so the damn thing took a liking to waking me up by scratching me. Happy now?" He explained, crossing his arms over his bare chest.

Everyone 'ohh'd' in unison and returned to their meals. Except Izuku who knew that Mitsuki was allergic to cats. He didn't protest, just gave the older boy an odd look before resuming his conversation with Uraraka.

Todoroki sighed in relief, thank goodness no one had suggested that the scratches may have come from sexual activities. If someone had, everyone would immediately accept this theory and the questioning would never end.

Katsuki winked at the scarred male from across the table. Shoto just stared.

At one point, the blond stood up and left the table. Completely ignoring Iida who was talking about the importance of excusing yourself before leaving.

When he returned he had a smug look on his face. This worried the taller boy, but god forbid he ask him about it in front of everyone.

• • •

"Good night guys!"

"Yeah good night!"

"Sleep well."

"See y'all in class!"

Everyone bid each other a farewell and retreated into their own dorms. Once he was safely in his, the peppermint-haired male finally allowed himself to relax.

Seeing something on his bed, he approached it with caution. For all he knew a villain could have left it there. But then he remembered Bakugo's disappearance and his worries turned to nervous excitement.

Seeing a small black box and a note he decided to open the note first.

Hello sweetheart

I have a little surprise for you
I'd like you to wear it in class
Would you do that for me?


Swallowing the lump he had in his throat, the bi-colored boy took the box into his shaking hands. And opened it slowly.

Mouth agape, the blond's request hit him like a ton of bricks as he recognized the object immediately,

a vibrator.

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