Chapter 15 - "Ohhh you think they're fucking!"

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Shoto was lying on his bed, staring mindlessly at the ceiling.

Bakugo did in fact end up licking all of of them. Which was an interesting thing to experience.

But after that awkward moment, Todoroki felt something within him. Like a lightning bolt striking his body. Instead of pain however, it was relieving. Like a weight had been lifted off of his chest. He didn't really know how to describe it.

As they left the locker rooms and went back to class, his heart was beating erratically in his chest. No words were spoken during their journey, yet he yearned to hear the blond's voice. What was this feeling? And why was he feeling it?

Asking someone was out of the question, so he needed to figure it out on his own. It began after they had had sex, and it caused him to feel nervous and almost apprehensive when Bakugo was near him. So maybe...

Maybe his desires hadn't been entirely fulfilled? He didn't get hard immediately after finishing but perhaps he just hadn't noticed. If that were the case, there's a chance Bakugo was also experiencing the same thing.

Shoto ultimately decided that these abnormal sensations were due to a lack of sexual stimulation. His teenage hormones were going crazy and now that he had had a taste of it, his body craved more.

• • •

Katsuki had noticed something different in Todoroki's behavior when they walked back to class.

He seemed tense and uneasy, as though uncomfortable being around the blond. Bakugo didn't like this. So he was sitting at his desk trying to figure it out. The yellow box was in front of him, he still hadn't decided which toy he was going to use on him.

Maybe that was it, maybe Shoto wanted more from him during their "study sessions." That seemed logical, he had been a virgin before so now that he had finally experienced the pleasure of intercourse, his body was asking for more.

Of course, the red-eyed male would be happy to comply.

Opening the box he poured out the contents onto his desk. At first he felt a bit overwhelmed, seeing how many options presented themselves to him. But after looking around, something caught his eye.

If Shoto wanted to be fucked like a slut and treated like a whore, then Katsuki would oblige.

• • •

Midoryia was worried, Todoroki hadn't spoken to him since he approached him earlier in the day. And even then, the taller boy didn't really act the same we he used to around the greenette.

Bakugo had also been acting differently. Usually when he looked at the two-toned male, all you could see was hate. But now, there was something else. Something Izuku couldn't quite pinpoint. And that was frightening. Was Bakugo hurting Todoroki in some way? As unlikely as it was, Midoryia wouldn't put it past him.

And the incident at dinner a few day ago also resurfaced in his mind, Mitsuki was allergic to cats. So the blond's excuse for the scratches was utter bullshit. However if that were so, where did they come from?

Could it be that Todoroki was hurting Bakugo? But Bakugo wouldn't be the type to just sit there and take it, if Todoroki tried to do so much as pinch him he would drop-kick him to the edge of the map.

But the scratches couldn't have been self-inflicted, that was physically impossible. So...

Hold on.

Could it be?

No no no, there was no way...

But it was the only option left.

'Were Bakugo and Todoroki...doing 'it'?!'

• • •

Kirishima was confused. Bakugo's interest in him seemed to dwindle down these past few days. And his interest in Shoto seemed to double.

Which isn't saying a lot but still.

Sure the two were studying together every so often, but this appeared to run deeper than just classmates preparing for a test. Perhaps the blond was becoming more open to the idea of them becoming friends?

That would be great! If he was opening up to more people maybe he'd be less angry all the time!

But that was highly unlikely, in fact his aggression towards Todoroki was the main thing that was growing. Had Todoroki done something wrong? Not that the red-head could think of.

Then again, he had acted very strangely in class the other day. His face was sweaty and his legs were shaking. What if he was suffering from a quirk malfunction?!

Maybe he had accidentally hurt Bakugo during a quirk malfunction and as per usual the older boy took it way too personally.

That would be the most logical explanation but when it came to those two logic didn't really play a part in their behaviors.

So if they weren't friends, nor were they enemies...




• • •

The red-headed boy was pacing around the common room, after his mind-boggling revelation he couldn't bring himself to enter the land of slumber before talking to someone about it.

Just his luck, Midoryia walked in a few minutes after he did wearing his typical All Might pajamas.

"Oh! Midobro! Think I could talk to you for a minute?" The red-head asking cheerfully. The greenette grinned ear-to-ear and nodded. (A/N: The fuck y'all so happy for?💀)

"Of course Kirishima-kun! What's up?"

"Have you noticed anything different about Todobro and Bakubro?"

"Todoroki-kun yes, he's seemed way more uptight and stressed out. Kacchan is Kacchan, I try not to question why he is the way he is." Izuku responded, Eijiro pondered over the information given.

"Why do you ask?"

"I feel like something's going on between them." He says, staring into bright green eyes.

"Oh? I was thinking the same." Midoryia's smile falls, now knowing his concerns were justified and he wasn't the only one who had noticed.

"What's your theory?" The shark-toothed male asks.

"Well this might seem a bit outlandish and maybe even absurd. But I think they're...having um..." Red coated his cheeks as he tried to put into words the hypothesis he had concocted.

"Ohhh you think they're fucking! That's a bit more dramatic then what I thought, I thought they were dating in secret."

Deku's eyes widen at the statement, he chuckles nervously at his friend,

"Uhh maybe not so loud! I don't want people to think they are if they aren't. And your theory makes way more sense!"

"Still, just cause they're dating doesn't mean they can't also be fact it makes it even more likely!" Kirishima declared.

"Ok maybe we should stop talking about Kacchan and Todoroki's sex life..." Izuku said, hearing voices and footsteps coming towards the room.

"Yeah! Good idea! We'll discuss this later, see ya!" The energetic students dashes off, with a newfound motivation. While the shorter boy just sighs, and prays he'll at least make it out of this whole ordeal alive.

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