Chapter 26 - "...I missed this..." (NSFW)

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The two boys pressed against each other feverishly, the familiar feeling of each other's bodies bringing comfort and solace to their minds. Keeping in mind they only had seven minutes, they didn't waste any time in removing the rest of their clothes, throwing them into a small pile on the ground. 

Shoto turned around and presented his ass to the older male just like he used to do. Katsuki pumped his dick a few times in his hand allowing the pre-cum to act like a sort of makeshift lubricant. Lining up with the hole he slammed right in, Todoroki swallowed his moans, fully aware that everyone could hear him should he choose to let them go.

Bakugo thrusted in and out rapidly, bending down to trail kisses and love bites on the two-toned male's shoulder blades. His hands gripped onto his effeminate waist, allowing him to plow deeper into the boy than if he wasn't holding it.

"Mm~ fuck~...I missed this..." The taller male replied, mind clouded with pleasure. The older boy smiled at the words, pressing a kiss to his temple.

"Yeah, me too."

The peppermint head faltered a bit as his prostate was hit dead-on, his hands pressed against the wall to regain some kind of support because his legs were proving to be quite useless. Bakugo's grip on his tightened even more as a way to reassure him,

"It's ok Princess I've got you~" He whispered. "You won't fall I promise."

The younger boy felt himself start to tremble, overstimulation causing him to start overheating. The blond felt a slight increase in his body temperature and smirked,

"Don't set me on fire Icyhot, I won't be able to fuck you anymore. And wouldn't that be so disappointing?" If he could the youngest Todoroki would turn his head to glare at the other, but he couldn't. Instead he opted for clenching around the red-eyes male's cock, making it virtually impossible for him to move.

"Fucking brat..." The overgrown pineapple released his hold on Shoto's waist, letting his hands roam up his chest. Settling on his hard nipples he started twisting and pinching one in each hand. The heterochromatic boy clenched his jaw to keep from crying out. But Bakugo got what he wanted, the bottom unclenched subconsciously and he was allowed to continue railing him.

A few more thrusts were all it took to send both of them over the edge. The crimson-eyed male released with a groan, the other boy let out a choked sob as he came on the wall. Thankfully this closet was in possession of towels.

Pulling out, Katsuki ruffled Shoto's hair a bit, the red and white strands intertwining.

"You did good baby~" He said, retrieving his clothes. Todoroki nodded and grabbed his own as well as a towel to clean up the wall and himself. They finished right in the nick of time because banging was heard on the door right after the younger slid on his shirt.

"BOYS TIME'S UP!" Mina's voice was heard from outside. The ash blond rolled his eyes and opened the door. Immediately Ashido could tell something went down, his face was dusted with a light red shade, and his clothes were all messed up.

"Someone had fun~" She teased. Bakugo smirked pridefully,

"Of course I did." And walked right past her, ignoring the gobsmacked expression on her face. That was not the answer she expected, but she wasn't complaining. He was back to his old self; that's all that mattered.

Looking in the closet she saw Todoroki fixing his hair, he looked even more messed up than Katsuki.

"You ok babes?" The pink-haired girl asked, seeing a few marks on the exposed part of his neck which wasn't that much because he was wearing a turtleneck. Shoto looked up at her, a dazed look still lingering in his eyes.

"Mhm. I'm fine." He replied, walking out of the small room. The girl shook her head in amusement before going back to the circle.


• • •

Now all the games were over and people were dancing, talking, drinking...the usual. Bakugo was sitting on the couch, a new drink in his hand. Taking idle sips of it he felt the weight of the couch dip, out of his peripheral vision he recognized Jay.

"You're really not gonna leave me alone are you?" He asked. She smiled, a Pepsi in hand.


"Fucking hell...I broke the ice with Icyhot if you were wondering." Katsuki said, choosing to forgo giving her details. The brunette beamed, glad he took her advice.


"And fucking what?" The older boy snarled. The girl gave him a look,

"Aren't you gonna say thank you? I saved your marriage." Jay explained as though it was obvious.

"MY WHAT NOW?!" He turned his head aggressively, giving her a death stare.

"And that's my cue to leave, see you Blondie!" Getting up she rushed off to god knows where.

"FUCK YOU CALL ME?" A new visitor showed up besides him, giving him an odd look.

"Why are you yelling?" Shoto asked. Katsuki huffed and sipped on his drink. Taking note of the murderous rage in his vermillion eyes, the younger boy decided that maybe some questions were better left unanswered.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" He opted for a less intrusive question. The blond made eye contact with him as a new song started playing, "The Adults Are Talking" by The Strokes.


Todoroki looked over at the speakers, finding he quite liked the song playing. Katsuki saw the slight smile on his lips and finally registered that it was linked to the music.

"It's a good song, right?" The older asked, all of his previous anger dissipating. The two-toned male nodded his head. Standing up, he set his drink down and extended a hand to his monotone classmate. The taller boy looked suspiciously at this but the blond just nodded.

Sighing he took hold of the hand and allowed himself to be swept off to the dance floor. The overgrown pineapple placed his hands on the younger's hips. Shoto hesitantly placed his arms around the shorter's neck, allowing him to take the lead.

Starting off slow they swayed to the mellow beat of the music. Eventually Bakugo twirled his dance partner around which surprised the dual-quirk wielder. But he was finally getting into the rhythm of the song.

They had fun spinning around, moving around like little kids having a dance party at a sleepover. Both of them had wide smiles on their faces. It was just them in that moment, no one else mattered.

As the song came to end, they fist-bumped. Taking in each other's presence they were snapped out of their little world by the song "Lights Down Low" by Maejor and Waka Flocka Flame starting.

Awkwardly standing there Todoroki was surprised to feel the explosive student pulling him in by waist once more, whispering into his ear,

"You got time for one more dance mama?"

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