Chapter 11 - "Obnoxious, selfish, egotistical, sadistic." (NSFW)

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With a trembling hand, Shoto asked to use the bathroom. Aizawa didn't mind, because he was half-asleep and that was one less kid to worry about.

When Bakugo asked as well, he announced that anyone who needed to use the bathroom could just get up and go.

The blond practically ran down the hall and made a sharp turn into the boys bathroom. Shoto had locked himself in a stall, similar to how Katsuki had done a few days ago. A smirk spread across his face as he reveled in what he had done.

He had a pet name in mind he wanted to use for the other, and frankly he didn't care what Todoroki thought of it. Taking a few slow steps he knocked on the stall door gently. There wasn't any sound emanating from behind it to begin with so the blond questioned if he had heard him.

"Sorry it's occupied."

"No shit pretty boy. Now open the door." The older growled, hand pressed against the door. He heard the lock click and he shoved himself inside. Closing the door and locking it again he look at the taller male.

Shoto wasn't making eye contact with him, how could he? As if the wet spot on his pants wasn't embarrassing enough, here he was standing in front of his rival face red and sweaty.

"W-What did you need?" He asked in a small voice. Fists clenched so hard his knuckles started turning white. Bakugo pouted,

"Aw is someone embarrassed~?" He teased. Shoto's head snapped towards him, two colored eyes staring straight through his soul. Bakugo's ruby red eyes widened and a chill ran through his spine. Suddenly he felt himself being slammed against the door.

Todoroki tilted his head, face emotionless as always. Hands holding up Katsuki's wrists.

'Well that was unexpected...' The shorter boy thought to himself.

"You're a real dick you know that?" His voice was deep and harsh; no longer playful as it was when they fucked. Bakugo didn't answer.

"Obnoxious, selfish, egotistical, sadistic. I could go on for hours. But I'm not in the market of wasting my fucking time."

'Daaaaamn ok Icy-hot I see you.' Katsuki was lowkey impressed at the boy's assertiveness. Eyes narrowing he felt himself get hard. (A/N: Ladies and gentlemen, the horniest motherfucker to ever walk the earth-)

"So spit it out, why did you want me to come here? Because if you just wanted to further humiliate me I'll be taking my leave. In case you haven't noticed, I have to change before your dumbass exposes us." Face entirely serious Shoto glared at his rival, unimpressed at his teasing.

"Ok ok I get it. I'll tell you why I wanted you to come here. I want to fuck you." Todoroki didn't react, just inhaled sharply. Letting go of the explosive boy's wrists he crossed his arms.

"Have you always been this horny?"

"Only since I saw you~"

"Fuck off and make this quick." The younger turned around unbuttoning his pants and taking them off along with his soaked boxers. Removing the vibrator he placed it on the toilet cover.

Katsuki gripped the other's ass tightly, quite pleased with the feeling. Shoto used the wall to support himself because he didn't trust his legs right now.

Pulling out this dick he lined up with the pink hole. But he didn't slam in immediately because he heard the bathroom door open.
Lowering his voice to a whisper he said,

"Hey someone's in here."

"No really?"

"Stop being a brat for two seconds and listen to me. Don't make a sound, got it?"

"Why would I-?"

Grabbing the younger's dick he started pumping it slowly. The two-toned male's eyes widened and he swallowed a moan. Turns out there were two people in the bathroom because they started talking.

"Todoroki was acting weird earlier."

"You think?"

"Yeah he seemed distressed."

"Oh that's new, I always thought him to be emotionless."

"I know right!"

Bakugo frowned as he recognized the voices. Kaminari and Sero.

Inadvertently he started speeding up and Shoto started squirming a bit.

"Eh whatever, it's so great that we can just leave without asking. Aizawa is the GOAT tbh." Sero said.

"So true bro. Anyways, when do you wanna head back?" Kaminari asked.

"In a bit. It's so boring what we're learning right now."

"Thank god I wasn't the only one thinking that."

Katsuki realized they weren't going to be able to properly fuck that moment. Considering the two idiots would probably stay for a while and they were here before them.

Putting aside all the murder plans he had, he decided he could still have some fun with this. Turning the peppermint-haired male around he told him to sit on the toilet cover.

He couldn't protest at the risk of being caught but his face definitely revealed that he was confused at the request.

Bending down to his level the blond whispered into his ear,

"Suck daddy off won't you, mama?" After hearing the new nickname Todoroki's heart skipped a beat. He shouldn't like it this much.

Leaning over a bit he took the hard length into his mouth. Swirling his tongue around the shaft he was grateful something was keeping him from making noise as the pineapple-haired boy took hold of his own dick.

He decided to match Shoto's rhythm, slowing down when he slowed down and speeding up when he sped up. All this was going down while the two clueless crackheads were having a conversation about Pokémon. Luckily it didn't kill the mood, it was just a slight cockblock.

Finally Katsuki couldn't hold it anymore, nor could he warn the other of his orgasm until it happened filling the candy-cane's mouth with his cum. Not a moment later Todoroki came as well, thankfully most of it stuck to the blond's hand and didn't land on the floor.

Finally the unexpected duo left the room, allowing the boys to breathe out sighs of relief as they weren't caught.

Shoto helped pull Bakugo's pants up (didn't want to get cum on them) and he quickly left the stall to wash his hands. The younger pulled up his own pants and pocketed the vibrator. He could use it later.

Once they had freshened up they exited the restroom. Not saying a word they parted ways, Bakugo going back to the classroom and Shoto heading to his dorm.

The older was thinking,

'That was fun.'

While the younger was thinking,

'That was so nerve-wracking oh my god.'

They were definitely soulmates.

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