Chapter 29 - "Sleep well pretty boy~" (NSFW)

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(A/N: Debated putting some kind of warning for this chapter besides the tag in the title, just know this is very fucking kinky. More so than normal)

However after giving his explicit consent, Todoroki was shocked to see Bakugo nod and simply walk away. Leaving him standing alone in the kitchen, very confused.

• • •

The walk back to his dorm was long but he didn't even notice. His mind was swirling around with different possibilities of what his punishment would be. It probably required a lot of planning and setting up, hence why it wasn't enacted immediately. And part of the punishment was most likely the waiting factor. Katsuki would force him to wait in the dark about what he was going to do until it was right about to happen.

He sat on his bed, back resting against the headboard. Pulling out his phone he decided he would some doom scrolling and maybe play a game if he managed to rebuild his attention span. A few hours went by like this before the student decided to grab a snack or an actual meal. Dragging himself off his comforter he hurried downstairs not wanting to spend more time than required out of the comfort and safety of his room.

Unfortunately most of everyone who was absent earlier in the day was now present. The only good thing was that they were being abnormally quiet, due to their hangovers.

"Oh hey Todoroki-kun!" Midoryia greeted less enthusiastically than he was known to. Shoto was grateful for that. He just nodded, not in the mood to make idle chit-chat. He found a pack of ramen in the fridge and decided to make it.

Once it was done he was just about set to head on back but was blocked by the sight of his angry blond classmate in the doorway. He hadn't noticed the two-toned boy and the younger had not yet determined if that was good or bad thing. Eventually after a few moments of chatting with Kirishima, Bakugo looked over and saw his fuck buddy, motionless by the fridge. The vermillion-eyed male started walking towards the living room, freeing up the exit, but not before giving a wink to the two-toned boy.

Wasting less than a nanosecond Shoto scurried back to his room, careful not to drop his noodles.

• • •

Night-time rolled around and Katsuki had not showed up at his door, nor had he received a message of some kind from him. So Todoroki assumed the punishment would happen tomorrow. He changed into his pajamas which consisted of boxers and a loose t-shirt. He got cozy under the covers, the side of his face resting against the pillow. He took a few deep breathes before his body slowly began to drift off.

• • •

Bakugo woke up at around one in the morning, he had set an alarm to ensure he woke up on time. As surprising as it was he wasn't tired at all, he felt giddy and excited. He then pocketed a couple of items he would need to execute his little plan. Stepping out into the dimly lit hallway he quietly made his way to Shoto's dorm room.

He had stolen a key from him earlier so his plan would go smoothly. It was easier than asking the bastard for one because he would ask way too many questions. The blond unlocked the door as slowly as he could to avoid making any noise. Once he was securely inside the room he shut the door again.

The room was dark, but thankfully the soft glow of the moon penetrated through the windows as the sleeping boy had decided to not close the curtains that evening. This gave the older a clear view of everything in the room.

Hands stuffed in his sweatpants's pockets he approached the bed. His heart beat faster and faster with every step he took. He pulled back the blankets to reveal Shoto's fast asleep figure. The shorter boy smirked seeing the vivid marks he made earlier on full display as the collar of the shirt was very wide. He recalled having overheard a conversation between Todoroki and Deku once where the former revealed he was a very heavy sleeper and the only things that could wake him were bright lights.

The taller male was already on his stomach, which made this whole process ten times easier for the ash blond because he didn't need to worry about turning him over. The crimson-eyed male pulled out a set of handcuffs from his sweatpants. He tediously cuffed Todoroki's wrists together, making certain as little motion was felt on the surface of his skin.

As delicately as he could, the older slipped off his boxers. Pulling out a small bottle of lube from his pocket he squirted some on his index and middle finger.

Bakugo then cautiously inserted both fingers at once, he figured it was less risky than doing one at a time and potentially taking too long. His thrusting pace was slow at first and he kept his guard up in case the younger boy woke up. The red-eyed student made a point to not even brush his prostate, no matter how fast asleep Shoto was, that would definitely wake him up.

Once he realized the younger really wasn't waking up despite the ongoing fingering, he began scissoring him as well as speeding up his thrusts. He kept a steady rhythm, the goal being to stretch Todoroki out and not so much sexual stimulation. Katsuki lingered on this action for longer than usual, the tighter Shoto was, the harder this would be for him.

Loosening up the younger's hole was significantly easier when he was asleep, as his body was in a natural state of relaxation. The explosive student was thoroughly surprised at how unresponsive his classmate was, not even a twitch or a sound. Redirecting his focus back to the task at hand, he deduced the taller was loose enough for this to work.

Pulling out a second item he brought with him, he mentally thanked the other for having cleaned it after last time, because Bakugo probably would've forgotten. Before he inserted the vibrator into the monotone student's ass he paused, wondering something. He had one last thing he would need to do after this, but should the vibrator cause the currently asleep boy to wake up he wouldn't be able to do that and make his escape. So instead he took out the cock ring from his pocket and meticulously secured it around Todoroki's flaccid dick.

Satisfied, he went back to inserting the vibrator. He pushed it in as slowly as he could, watching for any signs of the other being awake or being close to waking up. Thankfully he spotted none. After way too much time had passed everything was in place. The older breathed a sigh of relief and rearranged the two-toned male's clothes and bed.

He made his way to the door, an almost endearing smile on his face,

"Sleep well pretty boy~" Katsuki whispered, before turning the vibrator on and rushing out of the dorm.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2023 ⏰

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