Chapter 20 - "You know you love me~" (NSFW)

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The minute his alarm rang, Shoto threw the covers off of his body and got ready for the day.

He just had to get through this school day and he would finally be granted his reward. Excitement coursed through every nerve and fiber in his body.

(A/N: I just know you guys are as excited as our little Shoto over here, so I won't make you guys wait too long don't you worry 😉)

• • •

When lunchtime rolled around, Todoroki was on the verge of pulling Bakugo out of class just to figure out the surprise. He was so desperate to know what it was he found himself not touching an ounce of his beloved cold soba. Which freaked the fuck out of his friends.

"Todoroki-kun are you feeling alright?" Midoryia asked worriedly, his friend's behavior had been getting stranger and stranger.

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure? Cause you've been fidgety and restless all morning, and now you haven't even touched your favorite food!" The greenette continued, further emphasizing his worry.

"I'm just stressed about going home this weekend. Don't worry about me." Todoroki incorrectly informs. He found himself lying more and more often to Izuku, but it doesn't bother him as much as he thinks it should.

"If you say so..." Not having any good reason to doubt his excuse, the green-haired boy continues his conversation with his other friends.

• • •

Finally, school was over.

Shoto sat anxiously on his bed, the blond hadn't said anything about meeting up at his dorm at a certain time. So naturally he assumed the older male would be coming to him.

And he did.

Three short knocks were received by very alert ears. Scrambling to open the door, Katsuki could tell almost instantly that Todoroki had been waiting for this practically all day.

"Someone's eager to get their reward~" He teased, pulling the other in by his waist. Wrapping his arms around his neck the two-toned male saw no point in lying and nodded his head rapidly. Bakugo chuckled and locked the door behind him as he picked up his classmate by his thighs.

Carrying him over to the bed he ripped both of their shirts open. Nuzzling into the silky smooth skin he trailed his tongue along his abs, until he reached his collarbone. Once he made it, the shorter male bit down hard licking the blood off the wound he had made.

Moving up to his neck, he was encouraged by the soft moans Todoroki was letting out. He sucked on his neck leaving traces of red and purple everywhere he could. It felt like he was creating a work of art, painting him in all different shades.

"Mm~ Oh Katsuki~" The younger shivered as the blond's fingers trailed up and down his sides. Their touch light, like a ghost's.

"There there babydoll~ Be patient~" He cooed, unbuttoning Shoto's pants and sliding off his boxers as well. Gripping his thighs tightly, Katsuki bent down to kiss at his inner thigh. Leaving lovebites and hickeys there as well.

"Ngh~ Ah~" Todoroki's body jolted with every little touch. He was itching with anticipation, because so far nothing had been out of the norm.

Once he deemed his thighs colorful enough, Bakugo lifted his head back up and locked lips with the taller boy. Their tongues swirled around each other, the red-eyed male's diving deep into the other's throat. Wanting to taste every little crevice and every little cranny.

Separating, they took a few deep breaths to regain their composure. Wiping away the excess saliva that had spilled onto his bottom lip, Katsuki moved back downwards without saying anything.

His lips wrapped around Shoto's tip, hands still locked firmly around his thighs. Pushing his head further down Todoroki's dick, Shoto felt his hips bucking forward as he cried out in pleasure.

"OH~ YES~ DADDY!" If this was the reward than he was thoroughly satisfied, then again anything involving the hot-headed blond touching him would probably be enough to satisfy him.

Bakugo licked and sucked on the cock for a little while longer before detaching himself from it.

"Hm..w-why'd you stop?" The younger asked, he wasn't even close yet and his classmate is already stopping! Pressing another dainty kiss to his soft rosy lips, Katsuki soothed his nerves,

"Oh we're not done yet mama. This is just the start~"

Confused the two-toned male furrowed his brows but decided to hold his tongue, lest Bakugo decide he actually wanted to give him a punishment for being impatient.

Ducking his head back down, he skipped over his fuck buddy's hard dick and instead licked a strip up his tight hole.

"AH~ Um..w-what are you do-NGH~!" His questions were cut off by a warm wet muscle entering him. Katsuki's tongue pressed against his walls in a way that was so foreign yet so enjoyable that Todoroki found himself feeling light-headed.

"Oh my god~ Feels amazing~" He moaned out softly, pushing himself further onto the tongue that was fucking him.

Bakugo continue to eat out his fuck buddy, retracting his tongue and pushing it back in suddenly causing a loud angelic moan to escape the bottom's mouth. His hands desperately gripped at the sheets, knuckles turning white.

The blond lapped against his soft pink walls, it wasn't long enough to reach his prostate fully but every now and again it would occasionally brush against it. Which was almost more enjoyable for the younger boy.

Bringing up a hand to stroke his cock, the two-toned male let out a strangled gasp as he was stimulated in two separate places. The familiar knot began to form quickly in his lower abdomen.

"Hah~ Daddy! I'm...I'm going-CUM!" Shoto cut himself off with a shrill screech, feeling himself clench around the older's muscle. His body spasmed, legs trembling as white cum spurted from his dick onto the comforter.

Finally releasing his hold on every part of Todoroki's body Bakugo sat up. A look of accomplishment was defined on his handsome features.

"So did you like your reward?" He asked breathlessly. The taller was at a loss for words.

"It was amazing." He found himself replying a few seconds later.

"I'm glad, almost fucking suffocated to death." Katsuki said, stepping off the bed. Shoto rolled his eyes at the comment.

"Oh hush you chose to do this, I don't want to hear your ass complaining." He sassed him. The shorter male grinned and raised his hands up in surrender.

"Fine fine~ I won't complain."

"That's what I thought~" The younger boy said, sitting up against his pillows. The older made his way over and sat next to him. Purposefully the peppermint-head turned away from his explosive classmate. Said classmate scoffed at the action,

"You know you love me~"


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