Chapter 7 - "While I fuck your brains out" (NSFW)

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(Special thank you to @reis_kettle for the idea!!)

The next day Bakugo was giddy all morning, which was a bit surprising to everyone around him.

"Say Bakubro, not to be rude or anything but has anything happened recently?" Kirishima was the first to ask.

"What are you talking about Shitty hair?" The blond said, his tone noticeably softer than normal.

"You just seem...excited? Happy? I don't really know how to put it." The red-head explained, rubbing his neck. His friend seemed to think it over which surprised their classmates who were listening in on the conversation.

"Maybe I am." Ok who is this man? And what happened to Bakugo? That was what everyone was thinking. Except of course one particular homosexual candycane. He figured Katsuki had something fun planned for their 'study' session later.

Once everyone settled into the common room, and stuck up conversations with each other, Bakugo took this opportunity to drag Todoroki out of the room without being noticed. As soon as they were out of earshot he pinned the taller boy against a wall.


"Don't think I didn't see you hanging out with Deku yesterday." He snarled. Shoto thought for a bit before remembering their gym class. He did see the other glaring at the pair but didn't think anything of it. Maybe he should've.

"What about it? He's my friend.." The boy felt weak under Bakugo's harsh gaze. Rolling his eyes Katsuki pressed himself up against Todoroki.

"You're my pretty boy, you got that? Not Deku's. And that means you follow my rules. I won't ask again. Keep away from him." The red-eyes male said. Shoto's face turned red at his possessiveness.

"And what if I don't?" Fuck he shouldn't have said that.

"Well then, you just helped me solved an inner turmoil I had. My dorm. 7:45. Don't even think about being late." The older warned before stomping off to class. Leaving the two-toned male alone in hallway.

'Oh god what have I done..."

• • •

7:44 hit, and here Todoroki was, in front of his dorm. Like an obedient dog crawling back to his owner with his tail between his legs.

7:45. Knock Knock Knock.

The door swung open, "Shoto."

"K-Katsuki." Curse him and his pathetic stuttering. The blond pulled him in by his wrist before slamming the door shut and locking it.

Confusion was evident on the younger's face when he saw something on Bakugo's desk. Not a box like last time but a paper? With pens?

"What's this?" He inquired, approaching the desk.

"Your punishment." The blond responded nonchalantly. Eyes bulging out of their sockets, Shoto's head swung 90* so quickly he almost got whiplash.

"Punishment?!" He exclaimed.

"Yep. I told you this morning, your little attitude solved the problem I had. I was debating doing this now or later. But your snarky disobedience made me favor the former."

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