Chapter 8 - "I like the rain"

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Todoroki didn't remember much after that short conversation. All he remembers is the feeling of a towel and rough hands moving him around. 3 guesses who they belonged to.

When he woke up, he was in his own room. On his nightstand he saw his own shirt with a note,


Thanks for letting me use this.


He almost chuckled at how short it was but he was cut off by his own pained grunt. Then the full rundown of what had occurred the night before flooded into his brain. The pain in his ass and legs caused him to blush even more.

'He really didn't hold back...'

Shoto sat up fully, and combed through his hair with his hands. It was the weekend, thank god. If he had school that day he probably would've skipped anyway.

Looking at his alarm he saw that it was noon.

'How did I sleep for so long? Or rather, how late did we stay up?'

He wouldn't get an answer unless he went and asked the angry blond. Which was the last thing he wanted to do. So instead he decided to get changed and head downstairs to get something to eat.

It was definitely a pain in the ass (every pun intended) to get down the stairs but the elevator was being repaired so he had no other choice.

Finally reaching the common room, he saw a few people; Midoryia, Mina, Denki, Tsuyu, and...Bakugo.

The situation was something like this. Mina and Denki were running around like gremlins, Midoryia was trying to stop Bakugo from murdering both them and him in cold blood, and Tsu was reading a book with headphones on.

Putting on his usual stoic face, he entered the room. No one seemed to notice his sudden appearance and he appreciated that. Grabbing his leftover cold soba he started eating it straight out of the tupperware (no need to heat it up).

"AH TODOROKI-KUN HELP!" Deku yelled, being chased by the red-eyed male. The taller boy just stood there, eating his food. He was in too much pain to try and interfere. And besides, being in a situation where he may have to communicate with Katsuki was the last thing he wanted to do.

Suddenly, thunder struck and rain was heard pattering on the windows. The two crackheads ran to go watch the lightning, Bakugo got distracted so Midoryia took this chance to escape to his dorm. And Tsuyu was still unbothered on the sofa.

Which only meant one thing.



Awkwardness filled the air. What do you say after you forced someone to do your homework while you relentlessly fucked them? Was the question the older was asking himself.

What do you say after you were forced to do their homework while they relentlessly fucked you? Was the question the younger was asking himself.

"I like the rain." Ok maybe not that, Shoto mentally facepalmed at his obvious lack of social skills.

"Me too." Katsuki's face softened a bit, it wasn't like the look he had when they had sex it was more...loving? But that's not possible. That would be horrendous if it were.

They didn't talk after that. Which was probably for the best as more people suddenly barged into the space. Had they seen the two communicating it would be a drag to have to explain why.

The explosion lord had already figured that their next session would have to wait a few days. It's no fun if your buddy passes out before the first round is over. However, other ideas were swirling around in that blond head of his.

Shoto was just trying to forget what had occurred. He knew the other definitely had some other evil plans for him in the near future but he wanted to be in denial about it for as long as possible.

"Todo!" Momo called out. The two-toned male's head perked up. He enjoyed spending time with her. Bakugo's ears picked up the nickname. And he was not impressed

'Baby doll is much cuter.' He said to himself, and then mentally blew himself up for thinking that.

"Hey Momo." Todoroki said, once the girl was close enough. She pulled him into a tight hug. He half-reciprocated still not fully used to affection. Sex did not count.

"How are you doing babes?" She asked.

Head whipping around at the speed of sound, Katsuki frowned at this new nickname. At first he thought the two were dating and Shoto was using him to cheat. But Mina called him 'babes' all the time, so he assumed that must be the platonic variation of 'babe'.

"I'm ok, my legs hurt from training." Voice not indicating he had lied, the black-haired girl pouted sympathetically and patted his shoulder.

"Stop training so hard! You're going to pull a muscle at this rate!" Momo scolded. The boy lowered his head.

"Sorry..." She cooed at his cuteness and the girls who were nearby joined in. Saying he was precious, sweet, and more atrocious compliments the red-eyed boy didn't want to hear other people use for Todoroki. Because they weren't true. The bastard was the furthest thing from sweet in existence.

On several occasions he just dipped from a conversation because he wasn't interested. And he always wore that bored expression on his face. And his voice was so aggravating. But he was better than Deku, thank the lord.

And maybe Katsuki did agree with the 'precious' but you didn't hear that from me.

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