Chapter 25 - "I don't like you like that, or at all." (NSFW)

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After Bakugo did his dare, everyone couldn't stop talking about how he had kissed Todoroki. Even if it was only on the knuckles. Eventually Mina managed to get everyone to resume focus on the game.

"Ok ok moving on~ Bakudick it's your turn to ask someone!" She said, pointing at the blond. He groaned and scanned over everyone before ultimately just picking someone at random.

"Pink cheeks, truth or motherfucking dare." Katsuki asked. The girl blushed a bright red, completely forgetting about the display of affection the blond showed Shoto not two minutes ago.

"T-Truth." Uraraka said. Bakugo thought for a solid 3 seconds before choosing the most basic truth anyone would ask. He just didn't care enough to think of a good one.

"Who's your crush?" He asked, a very bored expression on his face. But of course, everyone oohed at the question. Ochako smiled nervously, shifting in her seat.

"Spit it out already." Katsuki snarled, patience wearing thin. The girl giggled and buried her face in her hands. The red-eyed male just stared at her blankly, her behavior was beginning to irritate him.

"If you aren't going to fucking answer just ask someone else." Bakugo said. She shot her head up and in a determined voice she declared.

"No no I'll answer, I have a crush on...Bakugo!" Everyone gasped dramatically save for a handful of people who either already knew about it or just didn't care. The blond stared at her incredulously, not because he was happy, but because this was just awkward.

"I don't like you like that, or at all." He spoke, all noise came to a halt. It was quiet in the room for a moment before laughing was heard.

"Yikes..." JJ said, Jay and Ashton laughing besides her. The embarrassed brunette shot them all a glare which caused them to laugh even more.

"MOVING ON!" Ashido yelled, not wanting to digress from the situation at hand.

"Uraraka I guess it's your turn but if you don't want to go-" She was cut off by Jay.

"I'll go! Todoroki truth or dare?" The brunette exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. The boy looked at her curiously before answering.

"Dare...I guess." He looked very concerned seeing as this was a stranger who somehow knew his name and now she was going to dare him to do something.

"I dare you to sit on the lap of a person who is wearing the same shoes as you!" Jay said. Shoto sighed and started looking around him, finally his eyes landed on someone wearing black Doc Martens just as he was. Looking up to meet their face he almost passed out when he made eye-contact with none other than Katsuki Bakugo.

Standing up he hesitantly walked over to the couch before taking a seat on the very edge of his knees. Bakugo frowned at this choice but didn't voice his concerns. Ashton certainly did though,

"She said his lap, you're on his knees."

Shoto blushed and scooted backwards a bit. Katsuki decided to help him by wrapping his arms around the taller boy's waist and pulling him closer to his chest. This seemed to satisfy Ashton because he didn't say anything else.

The game went on and it ended up in a lot of make out sessions as well as a couple people covered in hot sauce, a few drunk out of their minds, some shirtless, and others hiding in a corner wanting to go home.

"Ok! New game!" Sero said. He looked over at the pink-haired girl who nodded for him to continue. "We'll be playing 7 minutes in heaven!"

Someone placed an empty beer bottle on the ground and everyone moved closer to it. Jirou caught hold of it first, signaling she was going to spin. Flicking her hand it sent the glass object into a whirlwind of movement before it slowed and eventually settled on Yaoyorozu. Both girls seemed pleased with the outcome and headed to the storage closet.

Kirishima set up a timer on his phone for 7 minutes. So that gave people time to talk quietly between each other or go grab some more food.

Jay approached Bakugo who seemed to be deep in thought. Shoto had since removed himself from his lap, and regained his place next to Momo before she was dragged off by Kyoka.

"Hey." He said, noticing her.

"You need to man up." The brunette said, eyes locked on him.

"What the fuck are you-"

"You need to man up and break whatever ice has formed between you and Todoroki." Jay emphasized, leaning on the back of the couch.

"There's no ice between us."

"Yeah and Ashton doesn't like the color purple."

"She doesn't?" Katsuki questioned, looking over at the aforementioned person who was currently dressed head-to-toe in purple clothes and accessories.

"THEY DO. THAT'S MY POINT!" The girl yelled.

"Oh. Ok so there is ice between us, why does it matter?" Jay sighed, this boy was something else.

"You need to break it, I don't care if you talk, kiss, fuck, whatever it takes to get you two on good terms again. Do it." The girl answered before walking off to join her friends. Leaving the blond to his thoughts.

• • •

"Sooo what's up with you and Blondie?" JJ asked Shoto, who was a bit startled that someone that wasn't in his class was talking to him.

"Nothing, why?" He inquired. The brown-eyed girl groaned and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you really going to play dumb? You looked scared out of your mind when Ma asked you to sit on his lap. Obviously something's going on!" She persisted. The taller male realized he wasn't going to get out of this easily.

"It was just a bit awkward..."

"Why?" She pressed. Todoroki went to think of an excuse when Eijiro's alarm rang. JJ huffed and told him they'd talk more later.

The two girls were brought back to the room, looking incredibly disheveled.

This time Katsuki put his hand on the bottle. Which made Jay smirk in victory. Taking a deep breath he spun it hard. It made several rounds before slowing down in front of Midoryia. Just as Deku was about to get up, Ashton spoke suddenly,

"Actually! I need Midoryia for something, sorry!" They grabbed the boy by his arm and rushed out of the room, giving Jay a wink. Jay nodded back and grabbed Todoroki by the arm.

"He was sitting right next to Ash, so I guess he'll go with you!" The girl said. JJ got up and grabbed Katsuki. Both brunettes shoved the confused boys into the closet before signaling to Kirishima to start the timer.

• • •

"Ah. Hello." Shoto said. The red-eyed male didn't respond, just walked up to him until the younger boy was pressed up against a wall.

"May I?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over Todoroki's bottom lip. The two-toned male nodded slowly as Katsuki leaned down and connected their lips.

It started out slow and hesitant but slowly grew passionate and hungry. Bakugo's hand squeezed Shoto's neck, the other teasing him by sliding up his shirt. Todoroki pressed himself against the blond, feeling his erection start to grow.

Tapping his thigh, the taller boy jumped up and wrapped his legs around the older's waist. Since he was against a wall, Katsuki didn't need to use his hands to hold him up. Twisting and pinching his nipple in his right hand, he explored Shoto's mouth with his tongue. Hearing his delicate moans only encouraged him.

Separating, he threw off his jacket and shirt, before helping the peppermint-head's with his. Their lips collided once more, Todoroki's fingers trailed over the blond's abs. Bakugo pulled away before immediately attacking his neck, biting every little space. Faded hickeys from the last time brought satisfying memories back to him.

He brought his head back up to look in the younger's glossy eyes, breathlessly he said,

"Let's make the most out of these seven minutes, yeah?"

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