Chapter 3 - "You're a stupid mistake"

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It was no surprise that Bakugo was the first to finish the math exam. After all Todoroki and him spent a total of 11 hours studying together, plus the occasional tidbits of studying that they did alone. But Aizawa was one of those teachers that wouldn't let you turn your work in early because « it's good to use all the time provided to re-read and make sure you didn't make any stupid mistakes." All Bakugo had to say to that was "You're a stupid mistake." This landed him in detention.

But anyways, here he was with about 15 minutes of extra time (originally he had 25 but he took the caterpillar's advice and made sure everything was well-written). So it was also no surprise when he decided to let his mind wander to the events that took place with the Half'n'half bastard the night before. Unbeknownst to him, Shoto was doing the exact same thing. They hadn't spoken to each other since Bakugo left the other's dorm room that night, but they knew the silent treatment wouldn't last long. It wouldn't be long until they had another test or assignment and would end up sitting in Todoroki's dorm together to work on it. (Or to fuck they aren't quite sure which one will happen first)

Katsuki couldn't stop thinking about the agreement they had made that night, the one about being fuck buddies. Sure the thought of actually dating the motherfucker disgusted him, but for some reason the thought of be able to have sex with him whenever he wanted with no strings attached, enticed him to no end. He was pleased when the Halfie seemed to agree with that idea, but the blond had no idea how or when to bring it up again.

The bell rung indicating the end of the period, Bakugo sighed in relief as he marched up to his teacher's desk and slammed his test on it. Aizawa simply stared as the blond walked off angrily. Shoto, who was behind him, calmly placed his paper on top of the explosive student's test and bid his sensei farewell.

Deciding he was gonna bite the bullet Todoroki sped up in order to reach Katsuki before they parted ways for the night.

"Bakugo!" He called out, the familiar monotonous voice made the older stop in his tracks.

"Icy-hot." He said, without turning around. The younger finally caught up, and slowed his pace once again.

"Can we talk?" Shoto asked, the sound of their classmates coming out into the hall suddenly became very prominent as the two were surrounded by people either changing classes or going to their dorms.

"In private." He ultimately added.


• • •

"What's up?" Bakugo inquired once they were in his dorm (for once).

"I just wanted to discuss with you the terms of our...agreement." The two-toned male explained. The blond nodded and crossed his arms.

"I don't know how you feel about it, but you agreed so I'm guessing you're at the very least okay with it. I don't have any qualms about this but just keep in mind this deal is only for sex, not love or any relationship bullshit. Got it?" Katsuki said harshly, Shoto responded quickly,

"Yes I got it. there anything you're against doing? Anything I should know?" This was definitely the strangest conversation they've ever had but having it eased Todoroki's nerves.

"No, not really, I'm up for anything. Just run it by me first that way it doesn't kill the mood on the off chance I'm not into it, ok? Speaking of which, do you have any kinks we could explore?" The red-eyed male asked, sitting at the foot of his bed. The taller male blushed a bit at the lewd question but managed to keep his composure.

"Not that I know of..." He admitted, this shocked the other.

"Wait. You're a virgin?!" He yelled out, a bit too loud for Shoto's liking.

"I was." He corrected, reminding Bakugo of the little session they had the other day.

"Holy fuck- I'm sorry I didn't know." Somehow this made him feel a tad bit guilty.

"It's okay, I consented to it. But it just means that I haven't really had time to explore these kinds of things." Todoroki explained, sitting next to the blond. Katsuki turned to face him,

"Alright then we'll take this at your pace, so you don't get uncomfortable otherwise it's not a fair deal."

"How about you?"


"Do you have any kinks we could explore?" The dual-quirk user asked. Bakugo paused for a bit, unsure of what he should say. He definitely had more experience in the area than Shoto did. But was it really a good idea to drop everything on him at once? Eh fuck it.

"Yes actually." He admitted. The other nodded and motioned for him to list them. Katsuki pondered for a moment to be able to properly label them in a way the half'n'half bastard could understand.

"Daddy kink. I assume you know that one?" He said bluntly.

"Y-Yes." The younger's blush was very noticeable at this point. Bakugo smirked and continued.

"Bondage. But I'm doing the tying." Shoto didn't say anything, just took in the information. The silence gave the older a green light to go on.

"Toys, like vibrators, cock rings, handcuffs that kind of stuff." Todoroki was now red as a tomato and the explosive male couldn't help but chuckle at his innocence.

"I think we'll stop there. Otherwise you're gonna end up setting my bed on fire." He mused, enjoying the glare he got.


"Do those sound ok to you?"

"Yes, that's fine."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow then pretty boy?" Katsuki asked.

"Mhm, your dorm?" Shoto said, getting up.

"Yep 7:45 like usual."

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