Chapter 16 - "Don't you fucking touch him." (NSFW)

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The Bakusquad (minus Bakugo) sat silently in a circle on Mina's carpet. All of them were thinking, which was typically unheard of.

"So..." Sero began before being rudely cut off by an electric blond.

"I SAY THEY'RE FUCKING!" Kaminari declared enthusiastically.

"NO!" Kirishima yelled out. And the previously peaceful atmosphere was broken once more. They got into a heated debate about Todoroki and Bakugo's relationship.

"YEAH!" Mina retorted slamming her fists down. The boys started getting rowdy, hitting each other with pillows trying to get their point across.

• • •

Meanwhile with the Dekusquad. (minus Todoroki)

"Todoroki and Bakugo aren't having sex!" Uraraka exclaimed curtly, she had feelings for the loud blond and refused to believe that her friend was screwing around with him.

"Why does it bother you so much kero?" Tsuyu asked, to her it didn't matter what kind of relationship Bakugo and Shoto had so long as they were happy and safe.

"Because! It just does ok!" The brunette snapped, crossing her arms. Iida tried to de-escalate the situation.

"It is none of our concern anyhow! This is a private matter between our classmates, we should refrain from intervening!" He said, doing his typical choppy hands.

"Y-Yeah, he's right Uraraka-chan there's no need for us to get more involved..." Izuku said with a nervous chuckle.

"Still, there's something going on between them. And I'm gonna find out what!" She yelled, standing up and leaving the greenette's dorm she walked right into a broad chest.

"Oh! I'm so-" Eyes narrowing as she made eye contact with,

Shoto Todoroki.

He tilted his head, red and white hair spilling onto one side of his face. Eyes cold and dull he didn't blink as she held her stare. His rosy lips were slightly parted, and his tongue was on the verge of saying something but he held it.

"Todoroki-kun." She almost spat out. The younger, too out of tune with social cues to realize she was displeased with their encounter, just bowed.

"Pardon me Uraraka-san, may I go through?" He asked, pointing to the door. She scowled, and the boy recalled seeing this expression on Katsuki numerous times when he did or said something stupid. Was this the case?

"Why?" She inquired. Shoto frowned, catching onto the fact that the girl was acting oddly.

"I have to speak with Midoryia."

"About what? You've been ignoring him and us all week. Why's that?" Ochako walked closer to him. Causing the little alarm bell in the two-toned boy's mind to start blaring. He stepped back as the blond had trained his body to do.

"Why is this important to you?" He shot back, accentuating his frown it finally clicked that she wasn't happy with him. He just didn't know why.

"Because you've been avoiding us and getting closer to K...Bakugo." The browned-haired student explained, getting frustrated with her friend.

The peppermint-head decided he didn't want to be there anymore and started walking back to his dorm. She caught hold of his arm and swung his body around before aiming a punch to his face. But before it could connect her arms were tightly pulled behind her back.

"What the- Hey let me go!" Struggling against the rough hold Uraraka felt it getting tighter as she cried out in pain. Shoto stepped back a few times, still in shock at what she had attempted.

"Don't you fucking touch him." A gruff, aggravated voice spoke. Red eyes held nothing but fury and anger as he pulled the girl up by her hair and whispered in her ear something indiscernible to the taller boy.

Her face went pale and she rushed past the two males and disappeared into the staircase. Leaving Katsuki to deal with Shoto.

• • •

"So tell me mama, what did she want?" He asked, thrusting his dick into the younger's student's ass.

"Ahh~ Now...Fuck ask me that?" Shoto's palms were pressed against the walls of the staircase. His waist was held tightly in place by his fuck buddy's hands.

"Answer me bitch." Bakugo growled, digging his nails into the soft skin. Todoroki cried out, arching his back at the feeling.

"NGH~ HAH~ S-Something about me hanging around you m-more~..." Letting his head fall he let out a few heavy breaths escape his mouth as his prostate was abused by the red-eyed boy's cock.

"Why was she so mad?" The blond didn't appreciate other people getting into his
business. And Shoto was his business. Snapping his hips forward a few times he felt the hole clench around him as the younger came all over himself. Holding back a moan he pressed himself deep inside the other and came as well.

"Hell if I know..." The bottom replied, panting. Lightly smacking his ass, the sun-kissed male pulled out and fixed his uniform. Lucky for them school had been out for a few hours so no one was snooping around in the stairwell.

"You're getting bolder." Todoroki remarks. Bakugo laughs at this,

"I've always been bold, you were just a pussy. Now you're just as bad as I am darling~" He teased lifting Shoto's chin up and kissing the side of his mouth.

"Oh shut up." Opening the door to the stairs, Katsuki watched as his classmate ascended them to reach his floor. Sighing, he exited the hall and went to his room.

• • •

Pumping his dick slowly in his hand, the blond wished he had asked the other for another round before they parted ways.

Though he assumed he would've answered him with something along the lines of,

"No, someone's gonna catch us if you keep being this reckless."

'Tch such a cockblock...'

So now here he was, jerking himself off to the memories of the times he was ramming into the heterochromatic student. His breathing became uneven as certain moments flashed through his brain.

"Ngh~ Bakugo~"

"Ahh~ Oh~ Daddy~"


"Burn me, mark me, choke me, touch me, fuck me, do everything you want to do~"

Throwing his head back, Bakugo felt his eyes rolling back into his head. He moaned out,

"Ahh fuck Shoto..~" Just before he felt his cum spilling out onto his hand.

Taking a minute to collect himself it struck him that he had just masturbated to Shoto Todoroki.

"God what happening to me?" He questioned before getting up to clean himself.

• • •

'What was it that Katsuki whispered to Uraraka?' The two-toned male pondered, spinning around in his desk chair.

It was odd seeing him so protective of him. As though he actually cared. Of course that couldn't be true, all Bakugo saw Shoto as was a good fuck.

And the candy cane-haired boy didn't mind that all too much. But these little slivers of hope that the blond might see him as a friend were not good for his already questionable mental health.

In all this confusion, he had also completely forgotten why he had made that trip to Midoryia's dorm in the first place.

That was until he spotted a folded piece of paper on his desk and it all came back to him.


Meet me in front of the nerd's dorm. 7:45.That way if anyone stops you you'll have an excuse and just before you pretend to enter I'll drag you away so we can "study."


'Of course.'

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