Chapter 22 - "I feel an abnormal sense of dread."

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Bakugo's head was lying on his desk, he had no motivation to do anything. It had been two days since the incident behind the school, and Shoto had not even glanced at him once.

He wondered if this feeling of laziness was caused by some kind of sexual withdrawal, if that was even a thing. All he wanted was for Todoroki to at the very least acknowledge that he existed. But he wasn't granted that luxury.

On the other side of things, Midoryia and the rest of the Dekusquad were delighted to see Shoto return to his normal self again. Keeping his distance from Katsuki, and not being so nervous all the time.

Uraraka was especially pleased, because now there was no one to get in the way of her and Bakugo. She ended up apologizing for what she tried to do a few days ago, but the two-toned male just didn't care enough to hold it against her anymore. So he forgave her.

The Bakusquad however was displeased with this change, the blond seemed to be even more irritable than normal. Every tiny little thing would set him off, he stopped cooking so they had to order takeout. He never participated in class even if he knew what the answer was. But he didn't cause trouble either, he just seemed to want the day to end.

Kirishima had figured out quite quickly that it had to do with the younger boy. They stopped interacting, even during sparring when the blond would typically always ask him to use his fire, he went out of his way to make sure the red-head was his partner before training even started. Eijiro didn't like this at all. He was so happy to learn that Bakugo was opening up to more people, and now for some unknown reason all of that was sent down the drain.

But there was no logical way to approach Katsuki about it, because he never openly stated that Shoto and him were friends. So there was no reason for the Bakusquad to get involved.

But of course, they were going to get involved.

• • •

"We should have a party! Invite the whole class! Then they'll be forced to talk to each other!" Mina suggested, seeing as no one had a better idea they agreed.

"Maybe we could play 7 minutes in heaven and try and rig it so they end up together, they'll eventually crack under the pressure of being locked in a room with each other."
Sero added. Ashido nodded rapidly,

"I'll set up a whole bunch of games to try and get them to talk, and if it doesn't work...we'll just have to bite the bullet and ask Bakudick why him and ShoSho are on their man periods." She declared, smiling widely.

"That's a thing?" Kaminari questioned. Mina stared at him in disbelief and Kirishima just face-palmed.

• • •

Todoroki didn't know what to do anymore. He didn't even notice that two days had gone by until Aizawa said there would be a test next week and he was brought back down to earth from whatever alien planet his brain had been visiting.

It was a hero studies test, the perfect kind of test to study with someone like Bakugo. But here he was, at 9:46pm, studying alone.

It felt strange, he hadn't studied alone in a while. Not having that deep voice asking him to check his answers, or correcting him when he was wrong felt off.

He just wanted things to go back to normal, his friend group had been doing a really bad job at hiding the fact that they were ecstatic about the circumstances he was in. And he was hurt by that, it felt like they didn't want him to be happy with someone else. Especially Uraraka, but he halfway understood her point of view.

She likes Bakugo, and Todoroki is getting in the way of them being together. He had found out the blond was bisexual during one of their real study sessions a few weeks ago. So him and Ochako was not an impossibility, the only thing stopping it was this arrangement the two had going on.

So he thought of the only option he had left to solve this.

• • •

Katsuki had all but completely given up on doing his work. He was on his phone watching a video he had dissociated from a few minutes ago.

Suddenly a barrage of knocks was heard coming from his door. Stomping over to it, his fury only increased when he saw his groups of idiots standing there, mouths grinning unnaturally largely. They expected a hurl of insults to be thrown at them as usual, but were met with disappointment when the blond just sighed and asked what they needed.

This situation was getting severely out of hand, and they needed to act NOW.

"We're having a party this weekend! The whole class is going, so-" Mina was cut off by the door slamming her face. At least he hadn't lost his disrespectful attitude so that was something.

"YOU'RE COMING TO THIS PARTY BAKUBRO." Kirishima said loudly. An equally loud,

"FUCK YOU." Was heard from inside the dorm, the three dumbasses of the group turned to the shark-toothed redhead to translate what that meant in Bakunese (his language)

"He'll be there but he's not happy about it." Eijiro laughed, a sense of victory came over the quartet and they went back to Sero's dorm.

• • •

As soon as the red-eyed male was certain they were no longer behind his door, he unpaused his video only to once again be disturbed by knocking. Only this time it was three short knocks. He froze, recognizing the familiar pattern.

His heart was pounding in his chest as he slowly approached the door, step by step.

'I feel an abnormal sense of dread.' He thought to himself, slowly opening it to reveal a head of red and white hair.

But his relief was short-lived when Todoroki spoke first,

"I can't do this anymore."

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