Chapter 23 - "You mean more to him than you think."

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"What do you mean you can't do this anymore?" Bakugo questioned, confusion clouding his senses. His grip on the door handle suddenly let go, he felt weak.

"I want to stop the routine we have." Shoto said, eyes glued to the floor. Katsuki gulped, it was bad enough that he had been ignored for two days. And now the damn bastard wants to stop everything just like that? Absolutely not.

"Why?" He asked dryly, this felt exactly like a breakup which is weird considering it isn't a relationship.

"Because Jirou was right, if we let this drag on forever eventually someone's going to get hurt. I don't want to hurt you." Shoto whispered. Tears building up in his eyes, it crushed him to say those things. But he needed to.

"You won't! I promise you won't! Please don't do this Shoto..." Katsuki's face displayed pure desperation. Todoroki's body shook as the tears dropped down onto the floor, little hiccups escaped his lips.

"Goodbye Katsuki. From now on, we're rivals once more." And just like that, he walked away briskly, not giving the blond time to respond. Collapsing onto the ground once he was far away enough, Shoto's soft cries turned into full-on sobs. But he didn't understand why ending the agreement hurt him so much.

Bakugo stood motionlessly in his doorway. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks, he felt an overwhelming feeling of guilt creep up on him. If only he didn't force Todoroki to have sex in the alley, this wouldn't have happened.

This was entirely his fault, he ruined a wonderful thing. The thought of not be able to share those moments with the younger anymore felt like a knife to the heart. But why?

• • •

Shoto didn't show up to class the next day. Midoryia and the others were back to being confused.

"Guys, I think something happened between Shoto-kun and Bakugo, kero." Tsuyu said during lunch. Izuku sighed, she was right.

"I hate to admit it, but he was much happier when Kacchan and him were talking. I just don't understand what changed so suddenly. I hope Kacchan didn't do anything stupid." He said. Uraraka frowned, this was her chance to be with the man of her dreams and her friends were going to interfere.

"I for one think Bakugo was a bad influence on Todoroki." She declared, everyone looked at her skeptically.

"And why's that?" Iida questioned.

"He pulled him away from us! Did you guys not see how Todoroki our distance between us when Bakugo was around?" The brunette explained. Asui huffed in annoyance, Ochako was staring to get on her nerves.

"Look kero, I don't know what your deal is but those two were happy with each other. If you weren't constantly thinking about yourself maybe you'd see that." She snapped. Picking up her tray she stormed off to check on her friend.

"She's right you know." Momo said, overhearing the conversation. Jirou just looked disappointed as she sipped on her blueberry ramune.

"Whatever..." Grumbled the brown-eyed girl.

• • •

Tsuyu finally reached the taller boy's dorm room. Knocking twice, she called out for him.

"Shoto-kun? Are you alright?" Getting no response the tried the door and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was open. Opening it she gasped in horror seeing her friend passed out on the floor.

He looked pale and drained, as though he hadn't been sleeping or eating. The frog-girl panicked, there's no way she'd be able to carry him all by herself back to recovery girl. Suddenly she heard a sound,

"B-Bakugo..." Shoto whispered. The girl frowned, he probably passed out and fell asleep there. Shaking him a few times didn't even cause him to stir. This must be an extreme case of over-exhaustion, she told herself.

Gently dragging his body over to his bed she tried and failed to carry his body, she didn't think using her tongue would be ethical either. Eventually she settled on finding someone strong enough to at least help her get him up.

As soon as she excited the door, she spotted someone who fit that description. Running up to then she explained the situation.

"Todoroki passed out from exhaustion and won't wake up, I need help lifting him onto his bed." The person nodded and they walked back into the room.

Hoisting the younger boy into his arms Asui watched as they gently set him down onto his mattress, immediately the two-toned boy snuggled into his pillow and whispered,

"Katsuki..." Which shocked the other person.

"He said 'Bakugo' earlier too, you mean more to him than you think you know." The green-haired girl said. The blond shrugged, maybe he did. It didn't matter now anyways.

"I'll stay and watch him, tell Aizawa I don't feel good." Tsuyu nodded and left the room after glancing one last time at her unconscious friend.

Katsuki took a seat at Shoto's desk, watching him sleep. He would leave before he woke up, this was just to make sure he was okay. That's all.

'Fuck everything...' He thought to himself, standing up he walked over to his ex-fuck buddy and brushed his bangs out of his face. Leaning down he pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Standing up tall the older boy decided he would go to the party at the end of the week, and he would find a way to convince the candy-came haired boy to reinstate their ritual.

No matter what it took.

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