Chapter 19 - "You're a raging homosexual, you know that?"

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Todoroki sat anxiously as he watched Aizawa handing back the math tests they took last week. It brought back flashbacks to when him and Bakugo were trying to study for it, and well...we all know how that ended.

His ragged breathing came to a halt when his sleepy teacher paused in front of his desk. Handing the young boy the piece of paper, a soft smile crossed the tired man's face. He whispered,

"Good job."

Before regaining his stoic expression and resuming his mundane task. Shoto didn't dare look down at the exam that was currently in his possession. But he knew he would have to eventually. Slowly, his eyes flickered downwards to gaze at the number written in bright red ink.


A sigh a relief escaped his mouth and he allowed his shoulders to slouch as the anxiety left his body. Suddenly a thought crossed his mind,

'How did Bakugo do?'

Looking up from his paper he saw the blond staring directly at him, holding up his paper Shoto could clearly see the 99/100 written on it. A subtle smirk appearing on his face he carefully lifted up his own exam, when the blond registered that his fuck buddy had scored higher than him he scowled and turned away quickly.

Todoroki laughed to himself, he was happy. Despite their lack of studying, his grades weren't suffering. That was good. Everything was good.

• • •

"Good job on the 100." Bakugo said to him as Todoroki washed the dishes. He was leaning against the doorframe, shirtless as usual.

"Thank you, congrats on the 99." The boy replied, putting away the last plate before moving on to the utensils.

"Don't fucking patronize me." He growls, Shoto bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. Katsuki took notice and rolled his eyes.

"Quite laughing. I'll beat you next time." He declared.

"Sure you will~" The two-toned male giggled, knowing the blond would spend every waking moment studying just to prove his point. Bakugo smiled, he enjoyed moments like these between the two. It was calm.

"Hey, do you mind if we don't study today?" The red-eyed male asks. Shoto nods, but was a bit confused. Typically he was the one asking if they could skip their sessions. So this felt odd.

"Yeah of course." Secretly though he was a bit grateful, his legs were still not fully recovered. He had a limp for half the day.
Bakugo patted his head gently before allowing the male to continue his tedious task of washing the dirty forks and knives.

• • •

"Can I hang here with you?" Katsuki asks sheepishly, standing before the taller boy. Todoroki says nothing and simply moves aside, letting his classmate in.


"It's no trouble." The two sit on the younger's bed. Sneaking side glances at each other every so often.

"Tomorrow," the older begins, "I'm going to reward you. For the math grade." He clarifies. The peppermint-haired male stares at him in shock.

"You don't have to do that-"

"Zip it. I've done nothing but punish and torture you these past few sessions, you deserve to be rewarded for accomplishing something good." Bakugo says, and judging by his tone, Todoroki knows he won't be taking 'no' for an answer.

"What kind of reward did you have in mind?" He asks curiously, pulling his knees up to his chest. A light pink blush dusts Shoto's face as he eagerly awaits a response.

"I'm going to try something I've never done before. But I heard it's supposed to be really enjoyable, you'll let me know if that's true." The blond man explains, not giving the younger a satisfactory answer though.

"So it'll be a surprise?"

"Pretty much." The red-eyed male falls onto the bed, arms spread out.

"You've put some thought into this, haven't you." Todoroki inquires, even if it sounds more like a statement than a question.


"You're a raging homosexual, you know that?"

"Don't tell me you're not. Cause that would be hella awkward if you weren't." Bakugo retorts, raising a questioning eyebrow at his fuck buddy.

"I am, I am. No need to panic." Shoto closes his eyes and allows himself to fall back in the same way his classmate had. They stayed like that for a little bit until the shorter boy returned to his dorm.

• • •

That night in bed all the two-toned male could think about was his reward. He was so excited to find out what it was that he barely got a wink of sleep that night.

Supposedly it wasn't going to be torturous or something that could be used as punishment, so that narrowed down the list of possibilities.

Katsuki on the other hand was anxious, he found himself caring more and more about the opinion the other had on the things he suggested during their sex. If the damn bastard didn't like what he had planned, than that would be disappointing.

But he had no reason not to like it, he reassured himself.

Unless of course he lied earlier and wasn't actually a raging homosexual like Bakugo was.

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