Chapter 21 - "HEADPHONES?!"

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The cherry blossoms were finally blooming in different shades of pink and white, creating an almost magical view around U.A academy. All the students were in their dorms, doing homework or hanging out with each other.

Bakugo and Todoroki were sneaking off somewhere as per usual, when the two-toned male began to have doubts about this location. Tugging on the blond's sleeve the older turned his head, signaling him to speak.

"Are you sure about this? I mean I suppose this place is not frequented very often but there's still a chance that-" Katsuki clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth.

"Icyhot, every time we've fucked in a public place we haven't gotten caught. Bathroom? Nope. Changing rooms? Nope. Motherfucking STAIRCASE? Still nope. So quit worrying and hurry your pretty little ass up." The red-eyed male growled, Shoto was still unconvinced but didn't want to create a rift between the two so he acquiesced.

Once they reached a small alleyway between two school buildings, the younger felt himself being shoved against the nearest wall roughly. But his anxiety prevented him from being bothered by the harsh impact of the concrete on his person.

Not two seconds later Bakugo's tongue was down Todoroki's throat, his hand around his neck. The other holding him up by the waist. Shoto was very obviously distracted, his hands were loosely around the explosive male's neck. Not caring enough to keep a grip on it.

"Uh- sorry to interrupt whatever the fuck is going on here." An unknown voice spoke out. Katsuki had barely registered it when he felt himself being pushed backwards aggressively.

"Shoto what-" The taller had a look of absolute and total fear on his face, craning his head to look at the direction in which he was facing he was surprised to see someone standing there. Arms crossed, eyes squinted as though trying to assess if what they had seen was real or not.

"HEADPHONES?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" The blond yelled. Jirou rolled her eyes and shifted her attention back to the peppermint-haired male who looked he was about to pass out at any given moment.

"I was walking by the Sakura trees listening to music when I saw two figures rushing to hide in this alley. Didn't expect it to be you nor did I expect whatever the fuck y'all were doing before I showed up." She said, a hint of amusement evident in her tone.

"We're not together." The red-eyed male says abruptly. "If that's what you're thinking."

Kyoka appears to be deep in thought for a moment before realization dawns on her face. She almost looked...upset?

"Oh this is like a friends with benefits kind of thing?" The purple-haired girl suggests, shifting her weight onto her right leg. The blond nods slowly, knowing his fuck buddy was completely zoned out.

"More like rivals with benefits but sure whatever you wanna call two people who fuck but aren't dating." Katsuki says, his usual angered expression returning to his sun-kissed face.

Jirou sighs heavily as though she were a parent preparing to scold its child for doing something stupid.

"Look, I honestly couldn't give less of a fuck what you two do with each other. So long as you stay alive and...alive, yeah just alive will do it for me I think. But I need you two to think about this for me." She starts, this peaks the interest of the two boys.

"Is this really what you want? Because if you keep going down this road, one day one of you might find someone else. Someone who actually wants to be in a relationship with him. And then what happens to the other? Left alone. Is rivals with benefits all you want to be? I'm not gonna tell you to stop this...routine you guys have set up. But I want you to be damn sure you're okay with the idea that this will not last forever, and when it ends, someone will be getting their heart broken. That's all, I'll leave you to it now." Kyoka, resumes her music and sets off back in the direction of the dorms, hoping her words had somewhat of an impact.

She wasn't doing this for Bakugo's pride contrary to what some may think. She was doing it for Shoto, in fact she was planning on teasing them a little before leaving but when she saw the look in his eyes she realized she had to say something. A smile graced her lips as she turned around, not seeing the two leave the alley, letting out a soft chuckle she hoped they'd find whatever it was they were looking for.

• • •

"I told you this would happen!" Shoto cried out in exasperation. They were still in the alleyway, this time hopefully with no interruptions.

"How was I supposed to know she'd walk by at that exact moment?!" Bakugo snapped back. Todoroki had been grilling him over this for about 5 minutes, it seemed he had completely phased out everything Jirou had said and only paid attention to the fact that she had seen them.

"You're not supposed to know! You're supposed to always assume worst-case scenario to AVOID this!!" He retaliated. Anxiety was coursing through his veins, and not in a good way.

"Todoroki it's fine! I don't think she'll tell anyone!" The blond tried to reassure.

"It doesn't matter! She saw us! Someone knows! Because you were careless and didn't respect my wishes!" The two-toned boy felt tears start to drip down his cheeks from the frustration of it all. Upon realizing this, Katsuki tried to hug him but was met with the taller boy slapping his hands away before sprinting off back to his room.

Standing there alone, the overgrown pineapple had a moment to reflect on the meaning of Kyoka's words.

"Someone who actually wants to be in a relationship with him."

'That's rich', he thought, 'no one would want to date this bastard.'

But still, why did the thought of Todoroki leaving him to be with someone else hurt so much?

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