Chapter 12 - "How considerate of you."

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Todoroki threw his stained clothes into the hamper. He wondered what Bakugo would tell Aizawa about his disappearance.

He just hoped it wasn't anything too bad.

• • •

"There you are, where is-?"

"Icy was puking his guts out when I got there so I told the bastard to go back to his dorm. Stubborn idiot refused so I had to drag him there myself."

"...Thank you for that Bakugo. Please sit down."

• • •

Landing back first onto his bed, the youngest Todoroki exhaled slowly. Suddenly he remembered something.

Sitting up he pulled the vibrator out of his pocket, scrunching his nose he decided he may as well return it to its rightful owner.

'Did Bakugo buy this thing just to use it on me, no that's impossible...' (A/N: That's exactly what he did)

Leaving his dorm he made his way to the angry blond's dorm. But when he was barely a few meters away the lunch bell rang suddenly.

He was too far away from his own dorm to make it back before someone spotted him, and he doesn't know what lie was told to cover his absence. So that only meant...

• • •

"Stupid Aizawa and his stupid- HALFIE?!" Todoroki was sitting on his fuck buddies desk chair, patiently awaiting the end of lunch.

"Ah Bakugo, you're eating in your dorm?" The taller boy said, standing up to properly greet him.

"That's irrelevant, what in the ever-loving FUCK are you doing in my dorm?" Katsuki screeched. Shoto rolled his eyes at the unnecessary outburst.

"Calm yourself Blondie. You're getting hot-headed again." Bakugo shot him a nasty glare before huffing and setting his bag down. Marching over to Todoroki he poked him in the chest.

"Tch whatever, now answer my question. Why are you here?" The two-toned male searched in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a small object.

"I wanted to return this to you." Katsuki's eyes shifted from two colored eyes to a pale hand.

"How considerate of you." Smirking he snatched the toy out of the hand and stepped back a bit. Shoto shifted his weight onto his right leg, unsure of what to say.

"I cleaned it." He started. "Though I doubt you cared about that." Todoroki locked eyes with the explosive blond.

"You'd be correct. Sharp as always Halfie." He chuckled throwing the toy up and catching it in his palm. The ticking of the clock filled the room.

"Are you gonna eat or?" The younger boy asked, Bakugo nodded and pulled out a lunch pack from his bag. Checking the label he rummaged around a bit more and pulled out a different one.

It took a few moments for Shoto to realize he was being handed one with an image of cold soba on it.

"Here. I know you didn't get a chance to grab something so...I got it for you." Katsuki mumbles, opening his which ad a picture of spicy curry on it.

Todoroki sat back down on the desk chair whereas Bakugo sat on the desk itself. Silently they began to eat their lunches, not offering so much as a glance in the other's direction.

• • •

The lunch bell rang not ten minutes later, by then the blond had already exited his dorm. They agreed the taller boy should wait until everyone was back in class before heading back to his room.

So he chose to wait for at least 5 minutes after the bell rang before leaving.

Curiosity got the better of him and he decided to snoop around until he had to go. Everything was normal at first, books, clothes, video games, snacks. Your average teenage necessities.

That was until the peppermint head stumbled across a yellow box hidden meticulously behind Bakugo's shoes.

At first he ignored it, thinking it had been hidden for a reason. But his desire to know what was inside grew too strong and he cracked.

Pulling it out slowly he wondered what could possibly be in there. Once the full lid came into his view, his heart skipped a beat.

𝗍᥆ᥡs 𝖿᥆r sһ᥆𝗍᥆

Is what was written on the lid in bright red ink. And unless the red eyed student had a younger cousin named Shoto then the teen highly doubted these were children's toys.

Taking a shaky breath he opened the box, and his eyes grew ten times their size once he saw the contents inside.

To give you an idea of how full it was, imagine sticking your hand in a box and not be able to freely stir the objects around as they kept getting pushed back by another one.

Ropes, ball chains, gags, handcuffs, dildos, vibrators, cock rings, lube, butt plugs, condoms, hell even candles and a lighter. All of these things and more were stuffed into that box.

Shoto knew he was a kinky bastard, but this was just ridiculous. Suddenly hyper aware of the fact that this was not his dorm he quickly covered the box and shoved it back into the closet before darting out of the room.

Once he was safely back inside his own dorm he allowed himself to fully process what he had seen.

"Katsuki you horny bastard..."

• • •

Walking into his dorm, the blond immediately felt something was off. He couldn't tell exactly what it was but something didn't sit right with him. Opening his closet to hang his jacket he noticed a couple of his shoes were tipped over. Arching an eyebrow he started to organize them. Then he saw something,

"Oh Shoto you naughty boy~"

• • •

Hearing three short knocks on his door made Todoroki nearly jump out of his skin. Composing himself he went to open it and was immediately yanked by Bakugo who slammed him against the closest wall.

"You went through my stuff didn't you?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about Bakugo."

"The hell you don't! You opened the box right?"

"What box?"

"Playing dumb will get you absolutely nowhere pretty boy~"

"I assure you I am not, I do not know which box you are referring to."

"If that were so, tell me, why was lid on upside down?"

'Oh fuck.'

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