Chapter 27 - "No, I'm a royal pain in YOUR ass."

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The words spoken by the angry blond sent shivers down Shoto's spine. He gulped and nodded slowly. Bakugo smirked and placed himself behind the taller boy, snaking his arms around his waist.

The blond gently nipped at his ear causing the younger male to jump in surprise. Whispering in a deep voice,

"Come on baby, time to get naughty~"

Todoroki felt the older's broad chest pressing against his back as he spoke. The song got closer and closer to the chorus and the two-toned male felt the older's hands pulling him downwards. Confused he slightly bent his legs so he was just a bit shorter than Bakugo.

"Sway your hips for me darling~" The red-eyed male demanded and Shoto finally understood what he wanted from him.

The chorus started and the younger began doing as Katsuki said, swaying his hips while bouncing slightly every time he moved his waist. Using his arms he trailed his hands down his head and across his torso before finally setting them over top the blond's hands.

When the song said the words 'put it down on me' Shoto bent downwards, arching his back as he lifted his body back up. This both shocked and impressed the red-eyed male as he didn't know Todoroki had it in him to do such a bold move in public.

When the lyrics sang 'ride like a pony' the two-toned boy grinded against his fuck buddy, moving his body up and down as he pressed his ass over the other's dick. The explosive male had a faint blush on his face, quite enjoying the show the other was giving him.

/ / /

"Yo I think they're gonna fuck."

"Ashton I swear to god if you don't shut the fuck u- oh shit you're right it does look like they're gonna fuck." Jay said, after seeing how explicitly the two boys were dancing.

"Well what do we do now? Their relationship is more or less restored." JJ acknowledged, fixing her eyeliner.

"Good question...say Ash, now that the closet's empty do you wanna-" Jade was oh so rudely cut off by her child.


"I just meant we could shove Shitdoryia's body in there." The youngest brunette said, a teasing smile on her face. Ashton was laughing at JJ's surprised expression.

"Oh, I thought you meant something completely different." She admitted, still slightly confused but decided maybe she shouldn't jump to conclusions.

"No no I understand don't worry. We'll fuck later in like an empty room or something, you know somewhere with more space." Jay said nonchalantly, as JJ choked on her spit.

"You need to sTOP-"

(A/N: That was the last cameo of me and my lovely family, I'll let y'all get back to your little gay boys now🤭)

/ / /

When the song came to end Katsuki would be lying if he said he didn't have a raging boner. Then again they just fucked so he assumed the other wouldn't be up to it at that very moment, but it never hurts to ask right?

"Hey pretty boy-"

"We'll do that later ok? My legs hurt..." Shoto cut him off abruptly, massaging the outside of his thigh. Bakugo chuckled sheepishly,

"Yeah I guess that's my bad, but um...when exactly is later?" He asked, Todoroki glared at him as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"You're a royal pain in the ass you know that?"

"No, I'm a royal pain in YOUR ass." The blond retorted as though offended that his monotonous classmate would make such a crucial error in the phrasing of his sentence.

"Right forgive my mistake your highness." The younger said, mocking a curtsy. Bakugo grinned as he pulled the other in close to him.

"That's right~ I'm the ruler and you're my loyal servant~" He whispered, dark red eyes shining with lust and desire. The heterochromatic boy flushed red as he averted eye contact and managed to pry himself away from his classmates grasp.

"Hold your horses Queen Elizabeth the second, this is still a public function." He teased, seeing Katsuki's bewildered reaction.

"Fuck you call me?"

"Queen. Elizabeth. The. Second." The peppermint-head repeated, pausing after every word as though he was teaching a toddler how to speak.

"You're on thin ice Halfie-" His threat was cut off by Iida calling out to everyone,

"Has anyone seen Midoryia?!"

Ashton was gone by the time he finished his sentence.

/ / /

The party was over and Todoroki was back in his dorm, listening to music. He reflected on the evening he had spent with the blond. How he went back to the crimson-eyed male without a second thought despite how he disregarded his boundaries earlier in the week.

He felt slightly pathetic, as though he was a slut who didn't care about the red flags and just wanted to be fucked senseless. He should've had better self control, he still hadn't been given a formal apology so until then he vowed to abstain from letting Bakugo get his way with him like he had at the party.

Three short knocks interrupted his train of thought and he knew exactly who it was. Kind of ironic when you think about it.

"What is it Bakugo? My legs are still sore." Shoto reminded, eyeing Katsuki up and down. The blond raised his hands in defense at the implied accusation.

"Calm your tits I'm not here to have sex, I actually wanted to um...a-apologize..." The word left his mouth awkwardly as though he wasn't really sure if he was saying it right.

"You came to apologize?" Well this was certainly a surprise. And a welcome one at that. Todoroki allowed the shorter male to enter his dorm room and he shut the door behind them.

"I'm all ears then."

"Look Todoroki, I fucked up real bad. I completed ignored your boundaries and I put you in an awful position that we wouldn't have been in had I just respected what you wanted. And for that I'm really truly sorry, I will make sure it doesn't happen again, if you still want to keep up what we have going on." Bakugo said, his vermillion eyes looking deep into Shoto's mismatched one.

"You really are a big softy huh~" The younger teased, a playful smile on his pale face. The blond scowled,

"I take everything the fuck back."

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