Chapter 14 - "Sluts don't argue, they accept." (NSFW)

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The next day, Shoto was anxious. In his dazed state of mind, he told Bakugo that next time he was allowed to choose the toy. Obviously memories of what the blond had made him do were flashing through his mind. What if it was worse than that?

Maybe he regretted his words now, but he couldn't very well say that to him now could he?

His leg was bouncing in anticipation and he was tapping his pen on his notebook. Midoryia had taken notice of the fidgety behavior his friend exhibited and had planned on asking him about it after class.

Once the bell ring indicating the beginning of the lunch period, the greenette hurried over to the taller boy. He was known for dashing out of classrooms as of late. (A/N: Wonder why🏃🏻‍♀️)

"Todoroki-kun!" He called out, catching the younger male's attention. Shoving the last of his books into his bag Shoto walked over to the freckled boy.

"Did you need something Midoryia?" He inquired, getting antsy.

"No, I was just wondering if everything was alright. You seemed...ah how do I put this?...Stressed? Fidgety? A bit unnerved too." Izuku said, trying to correctly phrase Shoto's behavior. Said boy knew what he was talking about but decided to play dumb.

"Really? I hadn't noticed, I assure you everything is perfectly fine." His face was emotionless, but deep down he was panicking. If anyone found out what him and Bakugo had been doing, that would mean the end of his existence as a whole.

"Oh! In that case I guess I was worried for nothing! I'll see you next class, yes?" Midoryia said, smiling brightly. Todoroki nodded and ran out of the classroom in his usual fashion.

A hand firmly grabbed his wrist just before he entered the cafeteria. The palm was familiar, after all he had felt it everywhere on his body at least once.

"Bakugo, how may I help you?" Turning to face his fuck buddy, Shoto tilted his head. The expression on the older's face was indescribable, he looked mad but also hurt and maybe even jealous? It was confusing to explain.

"What the fuck did the green fucker want?" He asked, now only anger was displayed on his face. The sight made Todoroki shiver slightly. He stuttered his way through the sentence,

"H-He thought I was...stressed so I-I told him that I hadn't noticed it so...everything was f-fine." The sharpness of the red-eyes cut right through his soul. His nerves started to act up again and he stepped back by reflex. Noticing this, the blond stepped closer.

"Getting shy on me are we?" His angry face was replaced by a smirk. The taller boy gulped but didn't dare avert his gaze.

"N-No..." He lied.

"I could swear I told you to stop talking to that piece of shit. Did you not hear me? Or are you choosing to ignore my orders?" That's right, how could Shoto forget? Bakugo Katsuki doesn't ask, he orders. And god forbid you disobey him.

"I-I forgot, that's all." The two-toned male said. Clicking his tongue the red-eyed male grabbed his wrist once more and dragged him to the—not the bathrooms surprisingly—locker room.

"Katsuki? What are we doing here?" Now that they were alone he allowed himself to use his first name.

"I have to make sure you don't forget." He said, grabbing a clean towel from the racks. Shoto knew precisely what was about to happen, and he didn't like it.

"No, Katsuki we can't. This place is even more public than the bathrooms." The peppermint-head tried to convince him this was a horrible idea. But nothing was getting through to the older boy.

"That's what makes it the perfect place to ensure you never forget my orders again." Bakugo replied, sliding of his shirt.

"Still-" He was cut off by a hand grabbing him by the neck and slamming him against the lockers.

"Sluts don't argue, they accept." The words made Shoto's eyes go wide, he realized nothing he said or did would stop what was about to happen so he just nodded slowly.

"Glad you agree mama." Taking off Shoto's shirt he started leaving love bites everywhere. Enjoying the taste of the metallic-blood on his tongue, Bakugo slid his free hand further down south. Todoroki had taken possession of the towel and kept it in his mouth so his moans were barely audible.

"Good doll face~ Stay quiet and everything will be fine~" Katsuki whispered, pumping the two-toned boy's dick in his hand slowly.

The excitement of being in a public place as well as the soft groans from the beautiful boy above him made the blond hard almost instantly. Letting go of his cock Bakugo also released his neck. His fingerprints were visible along the sides of it. He grinned at his masterpiece.

Then the unthinkable happened.

A class walked into the changing rooms. It was class 1-C.

Thankfully the blond had at least two brain cells and they were situated behind the very last row of lockers, so people were less likely to find them.

"We did good today." Shinso spoke, his voice echoed in the silent room. Shoto's heart was beating so fast he thought the whole school could hear it. Katsuki however was going to take full advantage of these circumstances.

Taking out his own hard dick he started grinding it slowly against Todoroki's.

"I was the best of course." Monoma added. Even if they couldn't see it, the two boys were certain Shinso eye-rolled at the comment.

They rubbed against each other frantically, as though they had been touched starved for months. Accidentally letting out a soft moan, Bakugo took the other side of the towel and shoved it into his mouth.

The older male had the younger's arms pinned above his head as he grinned his hips against Shoto's. Even if it wasn't a lot of friction, the intensity of the moment had them sweating and panting like crazy. Besides, they couldn't risk doing anything else lest somebody heard them.

Speeding up his pace, Todoroki felt his legs tremble as a knot started to form in his lower abdomen. Bakugo felt the same thing, he trailed his hands down the other's torso and started playing with his nipples.

Shoto bit down harder on the towel, as revenge he used his—now free—hands to grab the shorter's boys dick and start stroking it at a fast pace.

The added stimulation had both of them trembling as they came all over each other.

Perfect timing too, cause the door shut signaling to them that the other class had left.

They sighed, and looked at the mess they had made.

"I'll get another tow-" The candycane-haired male started but he was interrupted.

"Not necessary, I missed lunch for this. I need to eat something don't it?" The blond winked.

"Katsuki what the actual fuck-"

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