Chapter 17 - "I will end their life with no hesitation."

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Over the next few days, the strange feeling Shoto was experiencing hadn't subsided. In fact, it seemed to get more intense even with the increase in "study sessions."

It was beginning to get frustrating. He just wanted these feelings to stop, to go away, and to leave him the hell alone. But they didn't. They were there, and they were going to stay.

He so desperately wanted to talk to someone about it. Wanted someone to listen without judgment, without looking at him differently despite the awkward circumstances. But that wasn't possible. Unless...

• • •

"Bakugo." Todoroki greeted. The blond was confused, for multiple reasons.

1. They had agreed to not have sex today
2. It was 5:36 so not even close to when they typically studied
3. The bastard looked distressed

"Can I help you?" He asked, frustrated that the boy had to audacity to bother him during his video game time.

"Can I hang out with you?" Shoto asked, looking at the ground. He doesn't know why he felt so embarrassed, the blond had seen him in even more embarrassing situations than this.

"Uh, sure?" Katsuki moved over to let the taller boy into his dorm. The other took notice of the video game setup being turned on and it hit him that he may be bothering his classmate.

"Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were busy, I can go if you-" Shoto made his way back towards the dorm before being pulled by a strong grip.

"No. You can stay. Just don't make too much noise." Bakugo doesn't know why he allowed the younger to stay. But it just felt right, being near him. The older took a seat on his desk chair, watching the other taking a seat on his bed.

"You can lie down if you want." Katsuki pointed out. Shoto looked up and nodded, taking his shoes off and pushing himself up against the pillows on the headboard.

The blond seemed satisfied with this and went back to playing games.

About an hour went by and the red-eyed male remembered that his fuck buddy was in still in his room. Turning around he saw the other fast asleep, curled up similar to how a cat goes to sleep.

He felt something in his chest tighten, and he experienced an unbearable urge to wrap his arms around the younger boy and never let go. But they agreed not to fuck, so he would restrain himself. For now. Instead he opted for staring at his stupidly pretty face.

The way his hair seemed to mix in the middle creating a soft pink shade, the way his eyelashes were absurdly long for a guy, the way his lips parted as he exhaled. He looked so at peace, unlike the lewd Shoto he got to see when they fucked and unlike the monotone Shoto he saw in class.

This seemed like it was the real Shoto. The one who doesn't care about anything or anyone, with no worries and no expectations he needs to meet. He liked this Shoto, and he wanted to see him more often.

Suddenly the sleeping figure stirred, he pulled his hands closer to his chest. A barely noticeable smile grew on his face.

'He must be having a nice dream.' The blond acknowledged, he was curious. It didn't seem like it was a naughty one because he wasn't blushing. Maybe just a nice one.

'Maybe he's dreaming about his mom, I know he cares a lot about her.'

Deciding that what he was doing was lowkey creepy, Bakugo turned back around and unpaused his game.

• • •

Another hour passed and it was dinner time. Katsuki was getting ready to go downstairs when he stopped himself.

'Do I wake him up? Or should I let him sleep? He looks like he really needed this...'

Ultimately he decided to allow Todoroki to enjoy his rest, and Bakugo would bring him up some dinner so he wouldn't starve.

"Kacchan!" Midoryia said, spotting the blond at the foot of the stairs.

"Shut the fuck up!" He roared back, scaring his classmate into leaving him alone. Huffing in angered exasperation Katsuki shoved himself onto a chair, not wanting to be bothered by anyone.

"Bakubro! What's for dinner?" Kirishima asked.

"I WAS TRYING TO FIGURE THAT OUT BEFORE I WAS INTERRUPTED BY SOME FUCKING EXTRA!" He said, slamming his fists down onto the table. Everyone jumped at the loud sound that emanated from the dining area.

"Bakugo? Are you alright?" Momo asked, the rest of the class was drawn to the sound like flies to honey.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD. WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!?" He growled, standing up abruptly. His chair screeching as it fell to the ground.

"Because as your classmates we are worried about you!" Iida exclaimed, moving his arms. Red eyes shot daggers at the teenagers who were gawking at him. His anger levels were going off the charts and the nosiness of the others was only adding to it.

Taking a deep breath everyone watched in apprehension as the explosive student spoke,

"If one more person talks to me. I will end their life with no hesitation." Katsuki's face was eerily calm, no hints of anger or exaggeration. He was being serious and no one dared voice any questions they had.

This was satisfactory to the student and began preparing the meal. In silence his classmates started setting the table, shooting concerned glances at each other as though wondering who would break the silence first. But no one took the initiative,

well until Shoto showed up.

"You're making dinner? Why didn't you wake me? I would've helped set the table or something." The two-toned male asked, rubbing his eyes. He was dressed in an oversized hoodie and shorts that only slightly went down past the rim of the hoodie.

Everyone froze. No one moved or even so much as blinked as they watched Bakugo tense up. Midoryia was the most petrified because he knew Katsuki would not hesitate to rip the other's throat out for the things he said.

The blond turned around slowly, making eye contact with the peppermint head.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the onslaught on yelling and screaming and insults that were sure to be thrown at Shoto for speaking to the red-eyed male.

"Thanks, but you looked tired, I was planning on bringing you some food once I finished cooking." He responded simply. Todoroki nodded and took a seat where he usually sat.

The rest of the class watched in absolute shock at the interaction.

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