Chapter 28 - "Better her than me." (NSFW)

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After the boys bid each other farewell and got comfortable in bed they fell asleep with smiles on their faces, today was a good day.

• • •

The next morning Bakugo woke up well-rested and in a relatively good mood. It was a Saturday, and he was eternally grateful to his past self for not having consumed an obscene amount of alcohol at the party. He chuckled imaging how hungover the majority of his classmates were right now. The blond got dressed in some grey sweatpants and a black tank top, he ran a hand through his messy hair not caring enough to properly style it.

Katsuki then proceeded to make his way into the kitchen to make some coffee and grab a bite to eat. To his amusement no one was there.

'Probably moping in bed with a killer headache' He thought, a wide grin on his face as his superiority over them was proved once more.

He began making his breakfast, just some hard boiled eggs and a cup of coffee. As soon as he sat down to eat he heard footsteps coming downstairs. The red-eyed male lifted his head wondering who else had made wise choices the night before. That's when it hit him. He only saw one other classmate abstaining from the use of drugs of alcohol.

"Good morning Katsuki, I hope you slept well." Shoto Todoroki.

"Morning Half n' Half, I slept fine. Thanking whatever god is out there that I'm not hungover today." He responded, taking a bite of his eggs. Todoroki laughed slightly and nodded in agreement.

"I'm doing the same, I never really liked the taste of alcohol anyways so I don't feel like I missed out." The two-toned male said, swirling around a spoon in a cup of jasmine tea. (A/N: where tf did bro get that from-💀) Bakugo smirked, 'ever the model student.'

"We met some interesting people yesterday." He remarked.

"Who? Oh right those girls who seemed desperate for us to resolve our...conflict." Shoto said, remembering the trio they had encountered at the party. The ash-blond took a large sip from his mug before responding.

"We only really interacted with two of them, that Ashton kid seemed pretty quiet. Except when you messed up the dare and when the bottle landed on Deku." The dual-quirk wielder pondered over the information given in a confusion before realizing that his friend was right.

"I mainly spoke with...JJ? Was that her name? Anyways, she was nice, a bit talkative but I didn't mind it too much." He smiled at the older who rolled his eyes. Finishing his plate of food Katsuki stood up and walked over to the sink.

"I was stuck with Jay, she had some nerve talking to me the way she did. But I guess she did help a little bit. I don't know how Ashton puts up with her, but better her than me." The crimson-eyed boy shuddered remembering how pushy the brunette was. Todoroki shook his head and headed towards the sink as well with his empty cup.

"Where did they even come from?" The taller wondered out loud, but got no response as he rinsed off his mug. Instead he felt hand trailing up his sides and resting on his pecs. His body tensed up and he nearly dropped the porcelain object but managed to gently rest it at the bottom of the appliance. A shaky breath left his lips as he tried to control his frantic squirming.

"You said no last night~ but I take it your legs are better now?" Bakugo asked gently, his lips near Shoto's ear. The younger boy tilted his head a bit instinctively and the older took it as an invitation to leave some more burgundy marks all over his smooth neck. His head dove down, teeth immediately sinking into the soft skin, drawing blood. Todoroki dropped his head down, panting slightly.

"My legs feel fine now, yes..." He answered truthfully, biting his lip to silence any sounds. Katsuki didn't appreciate that and his hands grasped his nipples roughly, twisting and pinching them. He frowned a bit, removing his mouth from the monotone student's collarbone.

"Stop suppressing your moans pretty boy." The red-eyes male demanded, voice almost sending shivers down the other's spine but he regained his composure quickly. Eyes sparkling with mischief Shoto bit on his finger, which did an even better job muffling any noises he would make.

"Did you not hear me slut? I said stop suppressing your moans." The ash-blond repeated putting emphasis on the word 'stop' as he stepped back. His arms crossed over his chest and his ruby eyes sharpened in anger. His patience was wearing thin.

Instead of obeying Todoroki simply kept his hand as it was, he didn't say or do anything else. Just remained motionless as a few agonizingly quiet moments went by. With each passing second the shorter male grew more and more aggravated. Finally he snapped, he spun the two-toned male over, using one hand to hold up his free wrist and the other to lift his chin.

"I'm giving you one last chance you fucking bratty whore. Drop your hand. Now." Their lips were almost touching and the explosive student's voice was low and threatening. His teeth were pressed together, eyes sending murderous glares into the younger's soul. Going against his better judgment, and any previous rationality he may have had, Shoto did not drop his hand.

A dry chucked escaped Katsuki's lips, as his arms let go of his fuck buddy. He shook his head in utter disbelief. Then he froze, head slightly facing downwards, his hand then shot out grabbing the hand Todoroki vehemently refused to move and twisting it behind the taller's back. The peppermint head gasped harshly, feeling the shorter boy pressing himself against his back. Teeth nipped at the outer shell of his ear.

"Very well then. Just remember you brought this upon yourself. But, I'm not an asshole, most of the time. Do I have your consent to punish you however I deem necessary?" He could say no, he could decline consent and this whole situation would just go away. One word and he'd be free from whatever hellfire the blond was going to rain down on him. So why did he say,


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