Chapter 10 - "Bathroom. Now." (NSFW)

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The sun rose quickly the next day, and with it so did Shoto's anxiety.

He only had on a shirt and boxers. Clutched in his hand was the note Bakugo had left him. The one asking him to wear a vibrator in class. Goddamnit. If he said no, he didn't even want to think about the consequences.

Sucking in a deep breath, he removed his boxers slowly. His heart thumping faster in his chest with every passing second. Once they were off, he inserted two fingers into his ass to stretch himself out. Scissoring himself he couldn't even focus on the pleasure. Instead he observed the small device.

They were no buttons, which meant it was remote controlled. Even worse. Once he decided he was loose enough, he shivered as the vibrator entered him. Taking a second to adjust to the feeling he slid his boxers back on as well as his pants.

Grabbing his bag he left the room. He wondered if Katsuki would warn him before turning the device on. He wondered if Katsuki knew if he had it on at all.

Reaching the classroom he was relieved to see the blond wasn't there. Iida and Momo were though.

"Ah! Good morning!" The blue-haired boy greeted.

"Morning Todo!" The black-haired girl said.

He nodded at them and took a seat at his desk. Laying his head on his arms he closed his eyes. He heard voices all around him but didn't stir even slightly.

Suddenly he shot up like a bullet. Vibrations started emanating from the toy, gritting his teeth he looked over at Bakugo's desk. The boy wasn't even looking but he sneakily held up the remote before shoving it into his pocket.

At the moment it was bearable, but if the candy-cane haired boy knew anything about the other he knew that wouldn't last.

A few minutes went by and nothing changed. For a moment he thought maybe Bakugo had forgotten about the remote, but the hand in his pocket told him otherwise.

He continued taking notes, trying to pretend like it wasn't there. But very faintly he could feel the vibrations growing stronger. And that wasn't good. Clenching his jaw he carried on working.

He didn't see the blood-red eyes staring at him with nothing but evil in them. How unfortunate, if he had he would've at least been able to mentally prepare himself for what came next.

The vibrations increased tenfold, biting down on his fist he barely held back his scream. The vibrator was just barely touching his prostate now.

And if it did he knew he'd be in deep shit. There's a good chance he wouldn't be able to conceal his moans in that case. So as of right now, he was as still as a statue; trying his best not to move even a millimeter. Taking a few shaky breaths he looked at the blond who had his back facing him. Oh how he loathed him. He was seriously regretting being intimidated into doing this.

What's the worst Katsuki could've done had he not obeyed? (A/N: Don't test him Shoto-)

Todoroki assumed it was on the highest setting because 5 minutes had gone by without any augmentation. It did lower in vibrations which was a relief. He was able to shift around a bit to get more comfortable.

The tall boy ended up forgetting about it for a while. But the red-eyed boy hadn't. He was waiting for an opportune moment such as this to strike. Seeing his classmate relax his shoulders and slouch his posture he waited a few seconds before hitting the highest setting. A maniacal grin spread across his face as he watched him jolt upwards and slap a hand over his mouth.

Beads of sweat traveled down his forehead, and his face was practically firetruck-red. But he couldn't draw attention to himself. No one noticed his change in demeanor so he placed his right hand on his face in an attempt to cool it down. It worked for the most part but now he had to go back to being immobile.

Apparently there was a higher setting, because this was so much more intense than the last time it was on a high speed. The pretty boy couldn't help his leg bouncing up and down frantically. His eyes widened as that familiar tightness in his abdomen started to form. He had been so worried about someone hearing him or even worse hearing the vibrator that he completely forgot about the consequence that came with sexual stimulation.

An orgasm in class was the last this he needed right now. But maybe that's exactly what Katsuki wanted. 'Such a fucking sadist' Todoroki thought to himself. He couldn't stay angry for long though, as the pleasure began to overwhelm his thoughts.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit!' He said to himself trying to think of a way out of this. Could he go to the bathroom? But if he did Bakugo might think he took out the vibrator and god knows he would break down the bathroom stall just to make sure Shoto had not done that. So that was out of the question. The nurses office wouldn't be any help. Getting water was even less helpful.

He was at a loss. And if things couldn't get any worse, all his leg bouncing made his thigh shift a bit, and just like that the vibrator made direct contact with his prostate.

Letting out a strangled gasp, he was so grateful the class was immersed in a heated discussion about who the worst villain was. So nobody was paying attention to or could hear him.

He had both hands over his mouth, waves of pleasure came crashing through his body  and he felt like he might actually set himself on fire by accident. At this point maybe that wouldn't be a bad thing...

Pressing his palms against his lips to the best of his abilities, pleasure-caused tears filled his eyes as the tightness kept growing. If Bakugo didn't turn it off like now he would experience the single most humiliating moment in his life on this planet.

Katsuki was apparently a psychic because the damn thing shut off almost immediately after he thought that. Collapsing onto his desk Todoroki's mind was still in a haze.

Unfortunately for him Bakugo was not a kind person. So back up went the vibrations and just like that the tightness became too much and he snapped.

A look of complete and utter defeat crossed his face as he felt himself cum in his pants. At least the vibrator was off- 'Wait...'

Looking up slowly he saw his rival staring at him with a shit-eating grin on his face, mouthing the words,

"Bathroom. Now."

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