Chapter 13 - "Only for you daddy!" (NSFW)

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"Well pretty boy? Cat got your tongue~?" Bakugo said, pressing himself up against Todoroki. He held his breath, 'What was I supposed to say to him? Yes? No? Or should I keep playing dumb?'

"I-I...I was curious..." Shoto admitted finally, cheeks red and voice wavering in pitch. The blond let out a deep chuckle hands letting go of the taller boy's wrist.


"And what?" He asked, rubbing the joints between his hand and forearms. There would definitely be marks later.

"Anything catch your eye?" Katsuki asked, crossing his arms. The two-toned boy stuttered a bit, unsure of what he should say. Something did catch his eye though.

"Yes actually, um, were those candles?" He asked tentatively. A wide grin makes its way onto the red-eyed male's face. Yelling out in celebration he pulls a long candle out of his back pocket.

"Fuck yeah! I knew it! I brought this cause I wanted to try it, I fucking knew you'd be intrigued. I know you too well Halfie~" Bakugo teased, waving the wax stick in the air.

Todoroki gulped, he had heard things about people using candle for sexual stimulation but he never considered trying it himself. It seemed so...strange yet...enticing. The older pinned him back against this wall, this time connecting their lips.

Tongues swirling around each other, small whiny moans erupted from Shoto's mouth. Hands moving down from his wrists Katsuki groped his ass, finding he was quite fond of the feeling. Shoto squeaked, flinching into the other's chest.

"Such a sensitive baby doll I have here~"

"D-Daddy~" It came out by reflex, but the peppermint head probably would've said it consciously anyways.

Leading the younger boy to his bed, Katsuki ripped off his shirt, pinching and pulling at his nipples. Todoroki let out several gasps and whines. It hurt in the best way possible. His hips thrusted upwards, dick desperate for friction.

Katsuki growled through the kiss, pinning his waist down.

"Be patient, you don't want to make daddy mad do you mama?" God that nickname again. Eyes rolling back into his head Shoto cried out, begging him to hurry up.

"Please daddy~! Burn me, mark me, choke me, touch me, fuck me, do everything you want to do~ Own me, I'm yours, my body belongs to you! Don't hold back, be as rough as you wish, please~!" Pretty pleads fell from his wide open mouth. Bakugo swallowed harshly, his cock struggled against his boxers.

"Fuck you really are a slut aren't you?" Such a little whiny whore~" He groaned, gently placing his hand around Shoto's neck.

"Only for you daddy!" He cried out, eyes shut, sweat dripping down his forehead. The burning feeling in his abdomen was became unbearable; he needed friction of any kind so why wasn't the blond bastard doing anything?

Deciding enough was enough Katsuki swiftly removed both his and Shoto's pants. Both of their tents were painfully obvious now, not that either of them cared.

Gripping the white candle in his hand Bakugo lifted the two-toned male's chin to look him in the eyes.

"You're going to make your slutty self useful ok mama? Now light this candle for me." It wasn't a question, at least not to Todoroki it wasn't. It was an order.

Holding out his shaky hand the taller boy lit the candle using his pointer finger. Taking a moment to admire the beauty of the flame Bakugo smiled fondly at the boy beneath him.

"I wonder how it's going to feel, that searing hot wax running down your soft skin..." The blond muttered, entranced by it.

Then without warning he titled the wax stick, allowing the thin stream of wax that had begun accumulating in a hole around the wick to flow freely. It landed on Shoto's thigh, as soon as the two made contact he let out a sensual moan. It burned so good, he felt his dick throb and he had to restrain himself from bucking against the other's hips.

"So pretty~ and you're all mine~" Allowing more wax to melt and gather around the wick Bakugo nuzzled his face between the younger's thighs. They were squishy on the outside but firm as well. Perfect consistency if you asked Katsuki.

"So soft too..." Pouring some more hot wax onto the skin he admired how Todoroki's cock twitched in his boxers. His did the same but he didn't even notice.

Biting on his knuckles the boy had to hold himself back from screaming out in pleasure every time the liquid landed on his body. It really was an odd feeling, but he loved it. Shoto almost forgot about how hard his dick was that was until the older palmed it through his boxers.

"GAH~" Body trembling against the sheets, the tiny amount of friction sent him into spirals of satisfaction.

"More~ Daddy please~" Whining, he let his body do as it pleased, humping a calloused hand. Skillfully removing Shoto's baby blue boxers, Bakugo pressed a kiss to his tip before gripping it tightly in his free hand.

"Let's see if I can make you cum with the wax~ Let me know when you're close ok Princess?" Katsuki explained, Todoroki nodded rapidly.

Slowing pumping his dick a stream of soft moans were heard resonating through the room.

"AHH~ Ngh~ Oh~" He had never felt this turned on before in his life, maybe he was a masochist.

It didn't take long until that familiar ball started forming at the base of his cock. And remembering the vermillion-eyes male's words, he was even more excited than normal.

"I'm close daddy~" He cried, the blond nodded and released his hold. The bottom frowned at the loss of contact but he couldn't stay mad for long as another round of wax was dropped onto his legs. The delightfully painful feeling caused the ball to snap, his legs spasmed as he came all over himself.

"Guess you can."

Taking a few deep breaths, two-colored eyes were blurry with pleasure-caused tears. But he could faintly make out the shape of Katsuki blowing out the candle before taking off his boxers and lining himself up with his hole.

Before he could protest he felt something slam into him.


"Taking my cock in one go, good princess~" He purred, running his hands along Shoto's sides.

Slamming in and out of the tight hole the overstimulation overpowered him and Todoroki came a second time.

"MM~ NGH~ DADDY M'CUMMING!" Thoughts becoming muddled as the blond didn't even slow down a little bit. Katsuki growled loudly as he thrusted harder into the boy.

"Hold on for a bit longer sweetheart..." He moaned reveling in the feeling of his dick being sucked in. Both boys were covered in sweat and their faces were flushed, not that they noticed.

"Close baby~" Bakugo warned.

"I-Inside Daddy~" Legs trembling again the taller male's eye rolled back as he felt the red-eyed male press deep inside him.

"CUMMING!" Warm white cum spilled out of his cock and into Shoto. They stayed connected for a while, panting hard.

"Next time you pick..." The candycane boy spoke at last.


"Next time you pick the toy." He clarified.

"As you wish~"

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