Chapter 18 - "Then ravage me." (NSFW)

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After dinner, Shoto and Katsuki went back to the older's dorm.

"The others seemed...out of it. Do you know why?" The taller male asked. Bakugo smirked slightly shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah I may or may not have threatened to kill them if they bothered me while I was cooking." He said nonchalantly, raising his shoulders. Todoroki sighed, not very surprised at the situation.

"How was dinner?" The blond inquired, already knowing what he was gonna answer.

'He's gonna say delicious or some other bullshit polite answer.'

"Delicious, thank you." The two-toned male bowed, grateful for the food.

'Hah, nailed it.'

"I should probably go back to my dorm." Shoto pointed out, after checking his watch. Katsuki frowned, not wanting him to go so soon.

But how could he convey that? What could he possibly tell the other to convince him to stay for a little while longer? Not some cheesy romantic nonsense that's for sure. Only one option came to mind.

"I wanna fuck."

• • •

"I thought we agreed not to have sex today..." Todoroki commented, feeling the blond's hands roam around his body. Trailing his lips across his collarbone. Teeth sank into the sweet spot on his neck causing him to moan loudly.

"Yeah well I changed my mind, got a problem with that tell me now because if you don't so help me god I will ravage you so badly you won't be able to walk for the next week~" Bakugo said aggressively. Shoto thought for a moment, did he have a problem with that?

"Then ravage me."

Shoving him onto the ground Bakugo pulled out his hardened dick. Wrapping his mouth around it the younger went to move before he was stopped by a hand gripping his hair.

"I'm going to face-fuck you. Got it?" He growled, nodding, Todoroki hollowed out his mouth and allowed himself to go limp.

Thrusting his hips forward the younger feels the tip of his cock brushing against the back of his throat. Tears filled his eyes as his mouth was stretched by the long bulging member.

"Such a good little whore~ Taking daddy's dick in his mouth with no complaints~" The older praised, his grip on the younger's hair loosening until it was almost as though he was petting him.

"You looked like a cat earlier..." The red-eyed male commented. Shoto looked confused so he elaborated,

"When you were sleeping. You looked like a kitty cat, pretty cute I guess." He mumbled the last part of the sentence. But it was picked up by the other's sharp ears.

He tried to say thank you but it just sounded like a confused moan so he gave up.

Slowing his pace down Bakugo removed his dick from the bottom's mouth. Saliva dripped down his chin onto a small puddle the floor. His face looked so pornographic in that moment Katsuki had to bite his cheek to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"You said I could pick the toy this time." The red-eyed male reminded. Todoroki's eyes widened. "So I did."

Walking away from the boy, Shoto tried to get a look at what the older was picking up. He felt his breath get caught in his throat and his jaw fell to the ground when he saw what was in the other's hands.

"P-Pardon me that what I think it is?" The candy-cane-haired male questioned, a bead of sweat falling down his forehead. A maniacal grin spread across the spiky-haired male's face and his fingers toyed with the handle of the object.

"Oh yes my lovely. It's exactly what you think it is."

His hands trembled as he toyed with his fingers. Todoroki swallowed the saliva that had been collecting in his mouth. He tried to speak but nothing came out.

"How would you feel about being whipped? Hm pretty boy~?" Katsuki kneeled down and tilted Shoto's chin upwards using the handle of the whip.

"I-I..." His face blushed a million different shades of red as he felt the black leather touch his face.

"Actually don't answer that, I already know your slutty ass would love it."

Standing up, Bakugo pointed to the bed with the whip. In silence the younger quickly scurried over to the bed, laying on his back he kept his legs closed. Unsure of what the older wanted him to do.

"Turn over sweet face~" Doing what he was told, he felt fingers trailing down along his back. They stopped at the rim of his hole, teasing it by not pushing in.

"Daddy~ Touch me please~" He begged. Katsuki smirked, complying with his wishes. Shoving two fingers past his entrance, the younger moaned out in pleasure as he felt the blond scissor him slowly.

"How are you feeling mama? You ok?" He asked uncharacteristically.

"Yes Daddy~ Please just don't stop~" Shoto whined softly as the tips of Bakugo's fingers brushed up against his prostate.

"I won't." Speeding up his pace, he watched his classmate biting down on his pillow a stream of saliva trailing down the sheets.

Deciding he was stretched out enough the red-eyed male pulled out his fingers earning a whine from the bottom beneath him. Rubbing his thigh as a way to comfort him, he gripped the whip in his hand.

Setting foot back on the hardwood floor he positioned himself before lifting his arm and in one swift motion he cracked the whip over the top of Shoto's thighs.

"GAH~ HOLY FUCK~" He cried out, back arching in pleasure. He barely had time to recuperate before another hit landed on him, this time against his ass.

"DADDY~ SHIT FEELS SO...~" His moans were cut off by the whip cracking against him once more.

"Good baby doll~ You're so good mama~" The explosive student praised. He brought his hand down a few more times before deciding that was enough. Red streaks lined the other's back side and Katsuki felt a sense of pride swell up inside of him.

Lining up with the other's hole he slammed into him without a moment's hesitation. Shoto screamed as his legs trembled and shook feeling the older's dick thrust in and out of his sensitive hole.

"Fuck fuck fuck daddy~" He whined, gripping the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white. Bakugo's speed increased and he aimed for the younger's prostate with every thrust. Feeling heat start to form at the base of his cock he bent down to trail kisses down Todoroki's back.

"You close yet sweetheart?" He whispered into the other's ear. The two-toned male whimpered as he nodded rapidly.

"Ok, wait for me." He said, using Shoto's hips as a sort of handle to press harder and deeper into his ass.

"Daddy please~ Let me cum!" The peppermint-head begged.

"Not yet mama." Bakugo answered feeling his orgasm quickly approaching. Moaning softly he leaned down and whispered, "Now."

Throwing his head back the taller male moaned loudly as he was granted his release. White cum shot from his cock as his back arched from the intensity of the pleasure.

Katsuki released into the other's ass growling as he dug his nails into Todoroki's hip. Pulling out, he watched some of his cum flowed out of the tight pink hole.

"Think you'll be able to walk tomorrow?" He asked in an amused tone of voice, turning himself over to the best of his abilities Shoto smiled,


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