Chapter 24 - "Yeah that's fucked up."

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(A/N: So I was required by law to write this....luffyxzoro21111 ....please enjoy!)

Bakugo had been waiting for this all week, and now it was finally here. The class party.

He took one last look at himself in the mirror, his outfit consisted of a black shirt paired with an orange bomber jacket with black sleeves. He wore black army pants with all-black Doc Marten boots. For accessories he had a group of silver chains around his neck, and black fingerless leather gloves. He wore a pair of matte black headphones around his neck, and a small silver hoop earring on his left earlobe. 

Spraying on the cologne Tuscan Leather by Tom Ford he took a deep breath and headed down to the common room. The space was completely changed, the sofas were pushed up against the walls, on the kitchen island held a huge variety of food and snacks like pizza, tacos, chicken wings, chips, salsa and guacamole, skittles, m&m's, sodas, and of course alcoholic beverages.

He guessed Momo was the one who made the disco ball that was hanging in the middle of the ceiling. All the lights were turned off save for some multicolored stage lights that flickered every few seconds like in a real club.

It smelled like alcohol, expensive perfume, and smoke. Because obviously other classes got wind of the party and invited a bunch of random people who brought god knows what.

Katsuki exhaled deeply, walking over to the drinks he poured himself a scotch and soda. There's no way he was doing this 100% sober. Taking a seat on a barstool he heard someone sit next to him. Looking over he spotted a person with medium length dark brown hair siping on what looked like to be coke or Pepsi. (A/N: It was coke)

"Katsuki Bakugo, right?" They asked. Katsuki nodded slowly, he presumed this was one of the strangers.

"I'm Ashton, nice to meet you. Mina invited my wife, my child, and I." She introduced, sticking out their hand. Bakugo shook it and raised an eyebrow at their statement.

"Wife? Child? You look younger than me." He said, giving him an odd look. Ashton laughed,

"It's a running joke we have, they're over there." Pointing at a corner in the room Bakugo saw two other people talking amongst each other. The people saw him pointing and walked over.

"Cariño!" The shorter of the two said, walking over to stand by Ashton. The other was vibing to the music. Katsuki nodded at them in acknowledgment.

"I'm Jade but you can call me Jay!" Jay said, taking a seat.

"And I'm JJ! Bakugo, right?" The one listening to the music asked. Bakugo nodded once more. He found it interesting that all of them had brown hair, seeing as there were few brunettes in his class.

"Mina let it slip that you were having issues with a friend, is that true?" Ashton asked getting up to grab Jay a Gatorade. The blond grumbled, Ashido's love for gossip would be the death of her.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." The red-eyed male reluctantly agreed. It must be the alcohol getting to his head that's causing him to spill his deepest secret to a bunch of strangers.

"Thank you darling." Jay said after being handed the bottle; she opened it and took a sip before speaking,

"What kind of issues?"

JJ took a seat to the right of Bakugo, now invested in the conversation. The red-eyed male decided there was no point in lying, and besides talking about it to people might prove to be beneficial.

"I fucked up. I crossed a boundary and now I'm risking losing him forever." Katsuki explained, the trio paying close attention.

"Yeah that's fucked up." JJ deadpanned, eating a chip. Ashton chuckled,

"How do you plan on fixing this?" She asked.

"I was planning on figuring it out during this stupid party. But I don't even see the bastard!" Bakugo groaned, the music playing ended and 'Teeth' by 5 Seconds of Summer started playing. Jay stood up and whispered something in Ashton's ear.

"Then I don't think you've looked very well." Ash giggled before grabbing JJ's hand and pulling her away. "Come on wifey!"

Jay waved goodbye to the blond before subtly flicking her eyes in a specific direction. Then she hurried after her wife and child.

Katsuki frowned and followed her gaze. There Todoroki stood, leaning against a wall. He was talking to Jirou, so the blond took the opportunity to examine what he was wearing. A white long sleeve turtleneck with a black short sleeve crop top over it, black army pants and the same shoes as Bakugo. He too was wearing silver chains and he had several silver earrings on both lobes. His fingers were decorated with many different rings and he had on his silver circular-framed glasses.

'Jesus Christ he's hot.'

Looking back to where the trio was he didn't see them anymore, they must've blended in with the crowd. If he bumped into any of them he'd make sure to say thank you.

Standing he left his cup on the counter, making a mental note to not drink from it again. He walked over to Shoto who was bobbing his head to the music, Jirou and Momo were showing each other things on their phones and occasionally asking Todoroki for his opinion on them.

Just before he was within arms reach of the younger boy, he was pulled away by Kirishima who dragged him to a circle being formed.

"The fuck are you doing Shitty hair?!" Bakugo yelled.

"Mina asked me to get you so we could play truth or dare!" The red-head explained, shoving the blond onto the couch. Frantically he looked around and was relieved to see the two-toned boy also joining the circle.

"I'LL START!" Kaminari declared, everyone quieted down to let him speak.

"Bakugo truth or dare?"

'And so it begins...' He thinks to himself angrily.

"DARE YOU RIPOFF PIKACHU." Katsuki yells. Denki smirked evilly and whispers something to Sero who looks just as evil.

"I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room!" He said. Bakugo froze. 'What did that mean? Is it the hottest person objectively? Or is it in my opinion?' He spoke before his mind fully processed what he was going to say.

"I can't, everyone here is ugly as shit." The group starts laughing hysterically. Denki quiets them again before responding,

"Ok ok someone who's just the tiniest bit more attractive than everyone else in your eyes."

The blond feels a knot start to form in his throat. 'Do I lie? Tell the truth? Do I kiss the person I'm thinking of? Wait he never said it had to be on the lips...Fuck it.'

He stands up and walks across the room.

The person is sitting on the ground so Bakugo has to crouch down in front of them. He grabs their hand and presses a soft kiss on their knuckles.

Everyone is cheering and hollering behind them but Katsuki tunes them all out. All he can think of right now is the beauty sitting in front of him.

Shoto looks both happy and hurt by what Bakugo just did. He understood, he told him many times that they weren't together and that he'd never even consider dating someone like him.

But now Katsuki sees he was lying to Todoroki and to himself.

Because seeing him right here, 'I want to marry him.'

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