Chapter 2 - "Shut up and kiss me" (NSFW)

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"Bakugo." Todoroki greets emotionlessly. It's exactly 7:45, which is when they agreed to meet. It gave them enough time to eat dinner, shower, work out if they wanted, and relax for a bit after class.

"Todoroki." Behind closed doors is the only place where you'll hear Bakugo call the taller boy by his real name. The blond enters the room, red backpack slung over his shoulders.

Sitting down on the floor he begins to take out his things as he always does. Shoto takes a seat in front of him, where his stationery is already neatly placed.

"What should we work on today?" He questioned, cleaning his glasses. Katsuki looks up at him, he ponders for a bit over their options.

"Intervals and graphs." He states. Todoroki nods and opens their textbook to the chapter they needed to work on. Bakugo goes to say something when he locks eyes with his classmate.

Something about his blue and grey eyes was just so hypnotic that the blond couldn't help but stare. Shoto was a tad bit confused but brushed it off.

"What should we start with? Graphs or intervals?" He isn't met with an answer. Instead Bakugo simply shifts closer to him, causing the scarred male to move back a bit.

"Bakugo? You're worrying me." He states bluntly. Still, nothing is said as Katsuki takes off his glasses. Shoto frowns, this is not Bakugo's usual behavior.

Meanwhile the blond is yelling at himself to pull away, to stop acting like this. But it's like his body had a mind of its own. And before he knew what he was doing he had the taller boy pinned against the floor.

Todoroki's eyes are wide, his breathing seemed to have picked up a bit. He's certain Katsuki can hear his heartbeat. Bakugo's eyes are shielded by his hair coming down but if Shoto could see them he'd be surprised to see how lust-filled they were.

It was like something had snapped inside his mind. But the red-eyed male kept reminding himself that whatever happened didn't mean a thing. They were rivals. Nothing more. Nothing less. Leaning down some more his lips were barely touching the other's.

Everything about this situation was so wrong. But neither seemed to be against it. They stayed like that for a while, breathing heavily. Neither dared to move or speak, not wanting to ruin the moment.

Then Shoto spoke quickly,

"Are you gonna do anything?" This caught Bakugo off guard. What was his goal? Was he planning on doing anything?"

"I-I..." He hesitated. How do you tell your rival you want to fuck them without being awkward?

"I don't..." This was unacceptable. THE Bakugo Katsuki getting so flustered over a simple question?

"I just..I don't know-" He was cut off by a hand on his nape,

"Shut up and kiss me."

So he did. He smashed their lips together hungrily. Licking his bottom lip, Shoto opened his mouth slightly. The blond's tongue snaked its way inside. The speed at which Todoroki accepted submission was almost laughable in Bakugo's mind. But he held his tongue and just continued to make out with the pretty boy under him.

The two-toned male squirmed slightly, encouraging the older to do more. Katsuki's hands held his hips down, the slight touch making the taller shiver. Parting their lips the vermillion eyed male smirked and leaned down to his ear,

"Pretty boy likes being pinned down?" He murmured. Todoroki held back a moan from how sexy his voice sounded.

"Oh? Who said I didn't want to hear your precious sounds?" The blond cooed. Hands trailing up along Shoto's bare sides. Blush spread across his face.

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