Chapter 4 - "God you're a natural..." (NSFW)

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7:45 couldn't come soon enough. Bakugo was sitting on his bed, leg bouncing anxiously. To say he had prepared for today would be a serious understatement. On his desk lay a box, full of...surprises. He'd wait to see how Shoto reacted to what he had planned first before showing them to him.

Then, like clockwork three short knocks were heard from behind his door. Jumping up, he rushed to open it.

"Shoto." He allowed himself to use his first name, they were fucking so why not?

"Katsuki." The way his name rolled off his tongue made Bakugo want to pounce on him and fuck him against the wall, but he restrained himself.

"Come in." The blond moved aside to allow the pretty boy the enter his dorm room. Unlike when he went to Shoto's room, he didn't have anything set up for them to study. That was primarily because studying was the last thing on his mind.

As soon as the door was closed and locked, Katsuki wasted no time in spinning the taller boy around and connecting their lips. Todoroki didn't resist and snaked his arms around the blond's neck. Bakugo's went on his waist. They fell on his bed but never parted lips.

Their tongues pressed against each other as their chests did. This time, the older ripped his shirt off before continuing. (cum stains are surprisingly hard to get rid of once they dry)

Shoto moaned loudly as Katsuki palmed his dick through his pants. Smirking through the kiss he sped up, feeling the tent start to grow. That's not to say his own dick wasn't getting hard too. To gain some friction, Bakugo rubbed himself against Todoroki's thigh.

"Such a good pretty boy~ Making such sweet sounds for me~"

The two-toned male thought back to the other day, where Bakugo had told him own kinks. In preparation for today he had actually done some research so he wouldn't be walking into this blind.
Maybe it was the way Katsuki spoke to him, maybe it was the intensity of the situation but he found himself moaning a word he doubts he had ever actually said before,

"Daddy~!" The older male froze, eyes wide. But they were quickly filled with lust as he slid his hands under Shoto's shirt and began toying with his nipples. As this was not something the younger had ever experienced it made sense for him to squeak in surprise when it happened.

"Naughty boy~" Katsuki mused. He knew he was gonna enjoy this. Pulling Todoroki's shirt off, he admired his past work. A few hickeys were spread across his neck and collarbone. So why not add a few more?

Sucking the already tainted skin, he felt the other's back arch in pleasure. Leaving love bites everywhere he reveled in the moans the younger let out.

"Ahh~ Oh~ Daddy~"

"God you're a natural..." He whispered to the two-toned male through hickeys. Finally satisfied with himself he pulled away. There lay the dual-quirk user, a panting blushing mess. Simply perfect.

"Stay here doll face, I'll be right back." Bakugo stood up, walking over to his special box. The taller boy quirked an eyebrow at the foreign object.

"What's in it?"

"A surprise~ So close your eyes for me baby doll." Obeying the order, Shoto closed his different colored eyes. He felt his pants being removed but despite his confusion he kept his eyes closed. Only when he felt something vibrate inside him did he open them.

"GAH~ W-What is that?!" He cried out, feeling waves of pleasure shoot through him. Instead of an answer the blond handcuffed him to his bed frame.

"Don't cum until I give you permission, ok pretty boy?" He stated, red eyes practically piercing through his soul.

The younger gulped and nodded. Katsuki grinned and held up a remote.

"Since this was supposed to be a study session, might as well do some studying too don't you think? I'm gonna ask you some questions. Get them wrong and I'll raise the vibrations. Get them right and I'll lower them. Understood sweetheart?"

Eyes wide as saucers Shoto didn't answer. So Bakugo raised the vibrations.

"AH~ YES DADDY I UNDERSTAND~" Lowering the level once again, the blond asked his first question.

"What's 12 times 31?"

"...372!" The two-toned male said. The older nodded and lowered the vibrations slightly.

"What's 30 times 14?"

"419...?" Shoto answered, his brain wasn't working properly. Bakugo's smirk grew immensely as he shook his head.

"Wrong darling." In an instant the vibrations increased by a tenfold. And the boy wasn't given another question.

"NGH~ GONNA CUM-" Before he could though the toy was turned off. A few seconds passed and Katsuki turned it back on.


"Not yet pretty boy~" And just like that the toy was turned off again. The younger immediately recognized this from his research, Bakugo was edging him.

Before he could protest, the vibrations turned on and he was cut off by his own screams of pleasure. Katsuki jerked himself off to the sounds of Shoto being overstimulated but not being granted release. His own moans could be heard but they couldn't rival Todoroki's.

"Hah~ Desperate are we?" Through tears the younger managed to nod. Inevitably, the remote was switched to off and the younger cried out in frustration. He was so so close but he wasn't allowed to cum.

"Daddy please~ I can't take it anymore..!" He begged and begged but the older wasn't changing his mind.

"That's enough playing I think. Time for the real fun." Bakugo said. Shoto whined as the vibrator was removed from his hole.

"Spread your legs for me sweet face." Too overwhelmed to object, the two-toned male did as instructed. Katsuki lined himself up with the hole and slammed in with no grace period in between thrusts.

Todoroki screamed, continuing to beg and plead so he could cum. But the explosive boy just slid a small metal ring over his dick. The contraption (Shoto called it a torture device in his mind) prevented him from cumming even if he were allowed to.

"That's it baby boy~ Taking daddy's cock so well~" He moaned, the tightness of Shoto's ass only added to the extreme pleasure he felt.

"DADDY PLEASE! I'm begging you let me cum..." His voice was strained from all the crying but he wasn't shown any mercy. Skin slapping sounds echoed in the room, as well as lust-filled moans from both boys.

"Still no my lovely." Taking off the ring, Bakugo became to slowly jerk off the taller male.


Halting all his movements, the two-toned male whined in frustration and desperation. Katsuki slowly began to pick up the pace once more, this time, hitting the other's prostrate every time.

"Yes~ So good Shoto~ You're doing do good~" The vermillion-eyed male praised.

Todoroki could only moan and whine. He felt if he wasn't allowed to release soon his dick might explode.

"Katsuki~" Growling, the older sped up before stopping again.

"That's not my name."

"Daddy! I'm sorry! Please I really need to cum!" The scarred-male didn't care if he sounded pathetic right now, all he wanted was to cum.

"Hm~ I think you've suffered enough doll face."

Slamming their lips together, Katsuki starting jerking off the other male, and he continued thrusting into his hole.

"Daddy I'm gonna cum!" The younger warned through kisses but instead of stopping the shorter boy sped up all his movements.

"NGH~ CUMMING!" Shoto screamed as he came, covering both his and Bakugo's chests in his cum.

"Me too baby doll~" The blond moaned as he reached his release as well filling Todoroki with his cum.

He pulled out and kissed the other's shoulder as an apology for the torture he put him through.

"Come one let's get you cleaned up ok?"

"Yeah ok..."

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