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Becky wants to leave but stopped by Freen.


"Are there still harsh words that you haven't said, Freen?" asked Becky.

"Who allowed you to leave this room?"

"Didn't you say I wasn't allowed to enter your room?"asked Becky.

"How dares you asked me back?!"

"I just spilled the fact that I wasn't allowed to enter your room"

"Shut up!" Freen snapped at Becky loudly.

Becky was a little surprised, but as much as possible she didn't show that she was shocked by the shout. Becky tried to act casual.

"What should I do now, then?" asked Becky after she was silent for a while.

Freen didn't answer her question. She just looked at Becky.

"Do you want me to silent myself forever in her?"

"Do it if you can" said Freen.

Becky fell silent.

"Should I argue with her? What if she gets angry and want to divorce me. Then, send me to the Armstrong family's house. If that happened, aunt Jenny will be furious and she will threated  me later. This can't be happening" said Becky in her mind.

"Why are you silent? Do you have no words to say anymore?" asked Freen after both of them silent for a while.

" I don't want to argue with you"

"Huh, don't want to argue" Freen said mockingly.

"I have to be patient with her behavior" said Becky in her mind.

"Can I go now?" asked Becky.


"Why?" asked Becky confused.

"Because I don't want you to go now"

"So when can I go?"

"Wait until I tell you to go"

"When?" asked Becky again.

"I already told you"

"Humph " Becky took a deep breath.

"Why?" asked Freen when she looked at Becky behaviour.


"Good" said Freen.

Because Becky didn't argue with her anymore, she didn't have words to talk back. Both of them silent for a few moments.

"Why are you willing to marry me?" asked Freen restarting their conversation.


"Because of money?" Freen asked quickly cutting off Becky's words.

"Yes, because of the money. Satisfying enough?" asked Becky with her full of anger in her feelings.

"How much money do you get by replaced Krystal?" Freen asked in an annoyed tone.

"It's lot" Becky answered briefly.

"Oh. How much do they give? Tell me the amount of money they gave it to you, I will pay you double now. Then, you must get out from my house"

Becky glared at Freen.

"How could I left this house, I willing to marry with her because of my grandma sakes. If I left this house, aunt Jenny will stopped give me money for grandma treatment" said Becky in her mind.

"Why are you glaring at me?" asked Freen.

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