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The next day, they gathered in the field after breakfast.

"Students, please gather to the right now!!" said Mr Chiew.

After making sure all the students are gathered on the right side. She announced something.

"You will all be given a test after three weeks. Find experiences around this city for three weeks" said Mr Chiew.

All the students sighed after hearing the announcement.

"You can find a CEO who can teach you about this" said Mr Chiew. All the CEOs are gathered on the left. They waited students who will be their students for three weeks.

Becky still stood up and don't know who should her choose.

"Mr chiew said all CEOs reserve the right to refuse a student's offer to be their student. This is what makes me afraid to choose!" said Becky and sighed. She looked at her friends who already have a new teacher to teach them.

She walked towards Freen who was crowded with students. She pulled the hem of Freen's shirt a little. Freen turned to her.

"Can you teach me?" asked Becky and looked down.

"Do you want the grass to teach you?" asked Freen. Becky looked so annoyed now.

"Look at me when asked something" said Freen.

Becky looked at her and repeated her question.

"Ok" said Freen.

Freen then announced that she would take only one student.

"Let's go, write our name to Mr Chiew" said Freen. Becky followed Freen from behind.

That night, Freen and Becky were in the same room. They have already started studying.

"Why your friends not here yet?" asked Becky.

"This room is special for me only. I asked Miss Seng gave this room to me because nobody chose this room because it's too far from the main living room. I just moved in here today" said Freen. Becky just nodded.

"Ok, here we go. I want you to solve the problems inside this book" said Freen and sat in front of Becky.

"How many pages should I make?" asked Becky.

"Do all. I will check it later. If I know your answered is wrong. You need to do correction ten times. In this way you will not make mistakes" said Freen. Becky cursed Freen in her thoughts.

Freen started do her own jobs meanwhile Becky started to write her answer inside the book.

"If I become a teacher one day, I will gave your daughter many homework. Let her bear the sin of her own mother. That's even if I don't become a businesswoman" said Becky mumbling. Freen heard her.

"My daughter is your daughter too. How can you want her to bear our sin?" asked Freen.

"Do you love me? How much you love me? " asked Becky and tilted her head.
She ignored Freen question and asked Freen question.

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