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Becky wakes up from her sleep and is surprised when she hugs Freen. She quickly got up.

"Do you alright now?" asked Freen when looked at Becky. Becky nodded her head.

When the bus arrived they all got off and were stunned to see the mansion in front of them which was decorated with many balloons and flowers.

Karina went towards Becky who was busy pulling her luggage.

"Hi!" said Karina with a smile.


"I hope we will be roommates later"

Becky just nodded and smile at her. Freen just looked at them and rolled her eyes. Her friends went towards her.

"What is your relationship with Becky?" asked Lisa curious.

"She is my wife"

Her friends were shocked.

"Are you serious?" asked Tzuyu.

"I know she just joked around" said Tee and laughing.

"I'm serious" said Freen with her cool tone.

They then entered the mansion when told to by Miss Seng and Mr Chiew.

"Okay, now you all can see the room first. After seeing it, come here to decide which room you want to stay" said Mr Chiew.

They all went to their desired places. Freen and Karina followed Becky from behind. When Becky stopped in the blue room. They stood beside Becky. Now, Becky is between them.

Becky just ignored them and looked the room. Becky looked at all the rooms in the mansion. After that, she went to the living room.

"Since you all have seen the room. Now one by one can enter the room" said Miss Seng.

Karina and Freen were shocked.

" I won't be able to share a room with Becky if like this" in Karina thoughts.

"I hope Becky roommate is not Karina but me" in Freen thoughts.

Karina and Freen pray to God that they will be roommate with Becky. Becky on the other side just sit down and waiting her turn.

Karina and Freen were nervous now.

Now it's Karina's turn to choose the room she wants. She walked slowly.

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