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Becky sobbed and carried her blanket to the door. She knocked on the door very loudly.

"Open the door!!! Open the door!" said Becky sobbing.

The thunder was so loud that Becky hit the door with her hand. She cried for hours and passed out at the door.

After a few hours, she woke up from unconsciousness and went to the bed and hid herself with the blanket.

It's still raining heavily. Becky started crying again until she fell asleep. At seven o'clock in the morning, Freen opened the door and saw Becky's room. She shook her head.

Becky was awake but she was still hiding in the blanket. Freen walked over to Becky and opened the blanket slowly.

"Becky, why are your eyes puffy? Did you have a bad dream last night?"

Becky just kept quiet and went to the bathroom to clean herself. Freen waited for Becky to come out of the bathroom.

"Your punishment is over. You may leave the room now. Next time, don't do it again" said Freen firmly.

Becky left the room and ignored Freen. She went to the dining table and ate.

After eating, Freen asked to take Becky back home. Throughout the journey, Becky was just silent.

"Becky, tell me what's your problem?"

"SHUT UP!" shouted Becky. She hates Freen who doesn't open the room door during rainy days.

Freen was surprised Becky raised her voice to her. She stopped the car on the side of the road and saw Becky who was looking outside through the window.

"Becky, please respect me as your wife. I asked nicely what is your problem. Who knows I can help you"


Freen kissed Becky's lips very roughly. Her right hand held the back of Becky's head to prevent her from hitting the car mirror.

"I hate you raising your voice at me, Becky. I didn't do anything wrong but you raised your voice" said Freen firmly.

Becky's tears rolled down her cheeks. Freen was surprised why Becky was crying.

"Sorry, sorry. I promise I won't kiss you like that again"

"I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" shouted Becky. Becky opened the car door and walked fast.

Freen chases after her and holds Becky's right hand.

"Becky, why are you not in a good mood?" Freen cupped her cheeks and looked at Becky's face. Her forehead was bruise.

"I hate you"

Freen wiped Becky's tears that kept flowing with her hand.

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