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Freen sends Becky to college. Freen tells that Becky is going to her old college. Arriving at college, Freen advises Becky on several matters.

"If there are other students who bully you, punch them. Don't be nice to them" said Freen seriously while cupped Becky's cheek.

"You taught me to do bad things" said Becky.


Becky looked at Freen's face and pinched Freen's right cheek.

"My Teerak is so cute"

Freen smiled happily hearing the praise from his beloved wife.

"Thank you, wifey. Remember what I said earlier. If someone bullies you, just punch them. It doesn't matter if they will be in a coma or what because of you. Take good care of yourself. You are too innocent. I think I need to fill this college with my bodyguards" said Freen with a worried tone.

"Can I go to class now? I'm afraid I'm late"


Becky kissed Freen and entered the classroom. Freen then went to her company.

Her friends are in her office. They saw Freen's gloomy face.

"Why are you gloomy?" asked Tzuyu.

"My wife is too innocent"

"What do you mean?" asked Tee.

"She doesn't know about sex"

Freen's friends laughed about the problem. For them, Becky is a baby but a very brave and resilient baby because they already know the story that Becky is facing.

"You can teach her, Freen" said Jennie. Freen just sighed.

"Not only that, she was also too nice to everyone. Even her stepmother and stepsister, she did not fight back" said Freen.

"She just fought them but didn't dare to punch them because they were still her family" said Freen sighed.

"Didn't you teach her the art of self-defense?" asked Tzuyu.

"I taught her one day only. It's hard to teach her. She complains a lot of things. It's like I'm really bad in front of her eyes"

"But she's cute" said Jennie.

"Of course, my wife tho"

Becky sat at the back of the class. She didn't focus on listening to what the teacher said because Sana had been whispering to Lisa earlier.

"Please stop whispering to each other" said Becky.

Lisa and Sana ignored her.

"Becky, don't you want to come with us?" asked Sana.

"Where do you want to take me?" asked Becky.

"Secret. We should relieve ourselves from this assignment" said Yuki.

"Ok. But I have to ask permission from Freen first"

"Don't ask her. We will leave without telling them all " asked Lisa.

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