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After eating, they do their own work. That night, they were instructed to gather in the living room to listen to a briefing from Miss Seng and others ceo about business.

"Tzutzu, kiss me please" whispered Sana to Tzuyu. Tzutzu just ignored Sana and just saw Freen talk in front.

After three hours, the briefing was over. Becky then entered the room quickly. She doesn't want to meet Freen.

On the other side, Sana talked to Freen, Tzuyu, Tee, Jennie and Lisa.

"Guys, let's go play some games" said Sana.

"Where?" asked Jennie.

"Our room" said Yuki.

They nodded their head.

Becky only glanced at them when come inside the room. She just sat on her bed and play her phone. Freen glanced at her too.

Karina came and sat on her own bed. Freen gave her cold stare.

"Let's sit in a circle" said Sana.

"Why?" asked Tzutzu confused with what her fiance said.

"Let's play truth or dare" said Sana.

They all sit on the floor and form a circle. Yuki picked up an empty wine bottle.

"Freen, sit down!" said Lisa.

"I don't want to play" said Freen and crossed her arms.

"You must play with us!" said Tzuyu.

"Fine" said Freen.

"Becky, you don't want to play with us?" asked Karina. Everyone looked at Becky. They are waiting for Becky's answer.

"I don't want" said Becky.

They started playing. As the game begins, Freen sneaks a look at Becky. Becky is busy texting Dr.Rocky about her grandmother.

The bottle turned by Sana pointed towards Freen.

"Truth or dare?" asked Sana.


"Who was your first kiss?" asked Sana.

Freen thought first, she had never kissed Krystal as long as they had been lovers. She then thought about Becky.

"Rebecca" said Freen.

Everyone then looked at Becky. Becky just ignored them.

They play until 10:30pm. The bottle was pointing towards Karina now.

"Truth or dare?" asked Yuki.


"Poked Becky's cheeks" said Yuki.

Karina walks up to Becky and poked her cheeks. Becky looked at Karina and was confused. Karina then going back to her sit. Freen who looked at it felt annoyed.

The game continues again, now the bottle pointing towards Freen again.

"Truth or dare?" asked Jennie.

"Truth" said Freen.

"It's not fun if you always choose truth tho!' said Jennie.

"Dare" said Freen.

"Tie Becky hairs" whispered Jennie to Freen.

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