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The next day, Freen woke up earlier than her other friends. She woke them all up when she finished making breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, Freen's friends went home. Now only Freen and Becky stay at home because Scarlett going back to her parent's house.

Becky is in the living room. She sat on the floor looking at her phone. Although she tried to trust Freen, it was hard for her. It was difficult from the test given by the teacher.

After two days, Freen doesn't go to work. She went to work eventually.

In those two days, she tried to make Becky fall in love with her. Not only that, she also tried to make Becky trust her.

On the other hand, Becky is going to her grandmother's burial site after Freen left to her company.

Suddenly, she is kidnapped by a group of men hired by Krystal. Becky couldn't rebel because her body was weak when her mouth and nose were covered .

She was taken to a warehouse located far from the city. She was tied on a mattress and her eyes and mouth were covered with a cloth.

When she regained consciousness, she then rebelled to be released. She heard a group of men laughing and talking.

One of the men opened the cloth that was in Becky's mouth. Becky then asked the man a question.

"Who are you all? Let me go!!!" shouted Becky.

"We are Freen's subordinates" said that man.

Becky then cried loudly. She felt regret that she had started to trust Freen.

Krystal who saw Becky's reaction smiled evilly. She wants to destroy their relationship. Not only that, she wanted to see Becky suffer. She knew Becky didn't like trusting people that easily.

With Becky's attitude, it was easy and simple to separate the two of them. She wants Freen back now. She is willing to do anything especially kill Becky.

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