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I'm disappointed with you!!" Jenny said as she walked away from Steve.

"Wait, Jenny" Steve chased Jenny.

"Fine, I will talk to Becky about this!"

Jenny stopped her steps when she wanted to go upstairs. She turned to her husband who looked at her.

"Really?" asked Jenny.

"Yes, I will ask Becky whether she agrees or not. If Becky doesn't agree, I can't force her. I hope you and Krystal can also accept her decision later"


Jenny went upstairs to meet her daughter.

"Dear, can I come in?" Jenny asked after she knocked the door.

"Just come in, mom. I didn't lock the door" said Krystal inside the room.

Jenny came in and sat beside Krystal.

"Mom, did you manage to persuade dad about the plan?"

"Just 50% successful"

"Mean?" asked Krystal curious.

"We still don't know what the result will be. Dad wants to asked Becky whether Becky agrees or not. If Becky doesn't agree, dad will not force her"

"How come you just agreed what dad said,mom?" said Krystal with a displeased face.

"Krystal, do you want me to do what?" asked Jenny.

"You should force dad immediately, we didn't have to listen Becky's opinion, I'm sure Becky definitely not agree to this marriage. Who wants to marry disabled woman?!!"

"I can't possibly do that, Krystal. You know how your dad is,right?"

"Do you want us to lose the company if Becky refuses to replace me by marrying Freen? What if our company goes bankrupt if she didn't want to marry Freen"explain Krystal.

"I know about this matter. But what else should we do now?" said Jenny looked confused.

Krystal was silent. She thought about what they should do now. She doesn't want to marry Freen.

Krystal thought hard to find a solution to the problem they were currently facing now.

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