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Freen and her friends came and knocked the door of the villa. Lisa looked first to see who was coming before opening the door. She was surprised to see Jennie and her friends.

She ran to her friends and told about it.

"Guys, people who want to spoil the atmosphere of our party are outside!" said Lisa.

Sana, Yuki and Becky were shocked by the news.

"What should we do?" asked Sana. Becky just stay calm and sip her vodka.

"Becky, how can you still enjoy vodka at a time like this? The lions is waiting at the door!" said Yuki who saw Becky enjoying a glass of vodka.

"What do you want me to do? Crying? Afraid? Before we open the door, I want to finish this glass of vodka first" said Becky.

Sana snatched Becky's glass.

"Enough,Becky. No more party today" said Sana.

"OPEN THE DOOR!!!" shouted Jennie.

"What should we do??" asked Lisa who felt scared.

"Throw all this away and brush our teeth first. We don't have to change our clothes. I will make up a story later" said Becky with her idea.

"Ok" said Lisa.

They all rushed to do what Becky said. Becky wiped her body with hot water and placed the ointment on her forehead. She checked her body temperature first to make sure her body was hot.

Becky then lay down on the couch and covered herself with a blanket. Her friends gathered in front of her.

"Are you sure this will work for us? I don't want be punished by Jennie" said Lisa.

"Trust me" said Becky.

"This is all Lisa fault. She said no one knows the location of her villa" said Yuki.


"OPEN THIS DOOR!!!" shouted Jennie.

"Go open the door" said Becky. Lisa nodded her head.

Becky gave a thumbs up to Sana and Yuki and started acting. She pretended to sleep first.

"She deserves an award" said Yuki.


Freen and her friends entered Lisa's villa. Freen looked at Becky who was sleeping. She ran to Becky.

"What happened to her?" asked Freen worried.

"Sick" said Yuki.

Freen wakes Becky up. Becky wakes up and sees Freen's worried face. She feels guilty for deceiving Freen but she doesn't want to be punished by Freen if she tells the truth.

"Why open the door so long? We'll be waiting outside for twenty minutes" Tee said and sat next to Yuki.

"We all fell asleep. We didn't hear anyone knocking on the door" said Yuki.

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