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The job application sitting right in front of me is pushing me to the brink of tears. My mom, being completely reasonable, has been urging me to start taking on the responsibility of paying for groceries and bills now that I'm 24.

But as I stare at this 10th application for yet another dead-end job, it feels as if I'm surrendering my dreams in the process.

I want to sing; I don't want to work with a bunch of people who don't care about their dreams and just gave up.

Suddenly, I hear my younger sister Talia's voice beckoning me from my room.

"Hey, Lu, can you come here for a sec?" Talia calls out.

Talia, with her long brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes that catch the attention of everyone from miles away.

I walk into her room, curious about what she needs. "What's up?" I ask.

"Can you please record me for a TikTok?" she requests eagerly.

Talia is always engrossed in recording videos for that app. I've resisted downloading it myself, not because I don't want to, but because I fear getting sucked into an endless loop of mindless content.

"Sure, Tals," I oblige, pressing the record button. Talia starts dancing, showcasing her incredible talent. She's so good that 100 thousand other people agree.

"You should really get on TikTok too," she suggests. "You could share videos of you singing. I bet you'd get tons of views."

I laugh as I walk back to my room, contemplating her words. Perhaps there's nothing to lose by giving it a try. Maybe I should just download the app after all.

I press the "post" button and set my phone down. If my video doesn't get any views, I mean it's not like views will dramatically alter my life, so I forget about it and close the app.

Just then, my phone rings. It's Kyra, my best friend, and she excitedly tells me that she managed to snag tickets to see Harry Styles. You could say we're two of Harry's biggest fans.

I've been infatuated with him since 2013, back when he was part of One Direction. We've never had the chance to see him live before, so this is a monumental moment. "We need to go out and celebrate. Want to hit the town tonight?" I propose.

Although I'm not usually one for partying, the thought of seeing Harry Styles in person has ignited an unexpected desire to let loose. "Uh, yeah, of course!" Kyra replies, clearly sharing my enthusiasm. We finalize our plans, filled with anticipation for the night ahead.

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Kyla Shay as Lucy Butler

Harry Styles as Himself

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Harry Styles as Himself

Lily Easton as Talia Butler

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Lily Easton as Talia Butler

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