Chapter 7

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Entering the gym, the air is alive with energy. We find a corner for ourselves as Brad sets up the workout. He grabs a pair of dumbbells, and I can't help but feel a little intimidated.

Unable to resist a playful jab, I raise an eyebrow and ask Harry, "Hey, what happened to those imaginary dumbbells we were discussing? They seemed like the perfect workout plan for us lazy souls." Sandy joins in, giggling, "Yeah, I was totally banking on those. Imaginary weights are my kind of exercise!"

Harry chuckles, his eyes dancing with amusement. "Ah, you caught me there. I figured we should step up our game and embrace the real deal. No shortcuts today, Ladies." He winks, and I can't help but grin at his playful banter.

In that moment, any lingering doubts or expectations vanish. Harry is the guy I had always imagined him to be as a fan—a down-to-earth, light-hearted guy. We may be in a gym, but our laughter fills the space, making it feel like a playground.

As Brad guides us through the workout routine, we continue our banter between sets, teasing each other and sharing inside jokes. The initial nervousness gives way to camaraderie, and the gym transforms into a haven of laughter and friendly competition.

"Okay, Lu, do you think you can squat this amount?" Brad asks, pointing at the bar in front of me.

I glance at the weight on the bar and then back at Brad, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Well, Brad, you're testing my rockstar strength here, but I think I can give it a shot. Let's see if these legs are up to the challenge."

Sandy joins in, adding her own playful remark. "Oh, I can't wait to see this. Lu, remember to channel your inner superhero. You've got this!"

Brad chuckles, amused by our banter. "Alright, Lu, show us what you've got. I have faith in your superhero abilities."

As I position myself under the bar, I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the squat. The weight feels heavy, but I let the adrenaline fuel my confidence. With a steady motion, I lower myself down, feeling the burn in my muscles. The intensity builds, but I refuse to let it overcome me. I push through the challenge, my determination shining through.

All the while, I catch glimpses of Harry in the mirror, his eyes fixed on my form. I can't help but notice a momentary pause in his gaze, his eyes drifting down for a split second before quickly snapping back up to meet mine. A faint blush tinges his cheeks, and a playful smirk tugs at the corners of my lips.

I decide to have a little fun with the situation. With a sly grin, I hold his gaze, adding an extra sway to my movements, teasing him ever so subtly. His eyes widen, a mix of surprise and amusement dancing in their depths. Caught off guard, he tries to play it cool, pretending not to be affected by the playful exchange.

I complete my set with a sense of accomplishment, feeling a surge of confidence coursing through my veins. As I rack the bar, I make my way towards Harry, unable to resist a lighthearted jab.

"Enjoying the view, Styles?" I quip, raising an eyebrow and playfully nudging him with my elbow. His cheeks turn a shade deeper, and he stammers for a moment before finding his words.

"Uh, well, just appreciating your dedication to the workout, Lucy," he replies with a sheepish grin, his attempt at a smooth recovery falling a bit short.

I can't help but chuckle at Harry's sheepish response. It's clear that he was caught off guard by my teasing remark. His attempt at a smooth recovery only adds to the humour of the situation.

With our playful exchange fading into the background, we continue our workout session, pushing ourselves and cheering each other on. "Okay, let's go for a swim to cool off, and then we can head back to the hotel," Brad yells out over the music and clanging weights.

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