Chapter 9

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In the past couple of days, we've been in Denver, getting ready for the show. We took some time to explore the city and make sure everything is set for the performance. I haven't heard from Harry since our day at the pool.

We've been pretty busy exploring the city and getting everything organised for the show. I've been getting to know the crew and everyone is so lovely, it's nice to get to know people who have toured for years with so many people I dream of meeting.

As we've been making the most of our time here, the show day has arrived. The tour manager, Dave, reminds me that I'll be on stage in just 15 minutes. My heart races with excitement and a touch of nerves as I mentally prepare for the performance.

I gather my thoughts and focus on the performance. The crew has put in countless hours of hard work to ensure that everything runs smoothly. They've been meticulous in their preparations, and I feel grateful to have such a dedicated team.

As the countdown begins, I feel a surge of adrenaline. The anticipation builds, and I can hear the crowd's excitement from backstage. It's a mix of nerves and exhilaration, but I'm ready to give it my all.

With each passing minute, the energy in the venue intensifies. Finally, it's time to step onto the stage. The spotlight illuminates the space as I take a deep breath and embrace the moment. The cheers of the crowd fuel my performance, and I pour my heart into the music.

The show progresses flawlessly, with the audience's energy matching our own. The connection between us and the crowd is electrifying.

As the final song comes to an end, I catch my breath and make my way to the front of the stage. The cheers and applause of the crowd fill the air. With a smile on my face, I raise the microphone to my lips.

"Thanks for having me, Denver! You've been incredible," I shout into the microphone, the words resonating with genuine appreciation. The cheers intensify, and I feel a surge of gratitude towards the fans who have made this experience unforgettable.

With a final wave and a heartfelt "See you soon!" I run off the stage, adrenaline still coursing through my veins. The energy of the performance lingers, and I can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Backstage, the crew and band members congratulate each other, sharing high-fives and embraces.

I find a comfortable spot in the backstage area, where I can hear the crowd's cheers and the music pulsating through the venue. The atmosphere is buzzing with excitement waiting for Harry to start.

Soon Harry takes the stage, his presence commanding the attention of the audience. I watch from the sidelines, admiring his talent and charisma. His voice resonates throughout the venue, capturing the hearts of the crowd. There's a certain magic in his performance, and I can't help but be captivated by him.

Amidst the sea of fans, Harry's eyes catch sight of a sign that elicits a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He squints to read the message, and a grin spreads across his face, accompanied by a burst of laughter.

'Harry, your dimples are giving me inappropriate thoughts!' " Harry exclaims, still chuckling "You lot are something else, I swear!" he exclaims, shaking his head.

"This is a family show!" he exclaims, feigning a serious tone.

The crowd screams even harder, thoroughly entertained by Harry's playful response. But just as he's about to turn away, a mischievous grin spreads across his face.

"Or is it..." he trails off, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes.

The crowd roars, loving every moment of Harry's playful banter. It's these spontaneous interactions that make his performances so unique and memorable.

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