Chapter 2

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I stare at my phone in disbelief. Harry Styles has actually followed me on Instagram. It's surreal, almost too much to process. The realization sinks in as I observe the frenzy unfolding on both mine and Harry's fan pages. The pages I used to endlessly scroll through to catch a glimpse into Harry's life are now abuzz with talk about me. How do I even begin to comprehend this?

Shaking off the excitement for a moment, I set my phone down and refocus on the day ahead. Tomorrow marks the release of my album, a monumental milestone in my career. With a crowd of 30 thousand people awaiting my performance, there's no time to dwell on Harry, as incredible as it feels.

Just as I'm getting ready for the day, my manager Paul calls. He briefs me on the plans for the next two days, which are packed with radio interviews in the morning and an appearance on the "Late Late Show" with James Corden. Although I've never met James personally, I've heard nothing but great things about his show so I'm really excited

 Although I've never met James personally, I've heard nothing but great things about his show so I'm really excited

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As I step outside, the energy of the city greets me, bustling with anticipation. The radio interviews fly by in a whirlwind of questions and promotional discussions. It's exhilarating to have the opportunity to share my journey and my music with a wider audience.

By the time we wrap up the interviews, the sun is beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the city. I take a moment to breathe and gather my thoughts before heading to the studio for my appearance on the "Late Late Show." The anticipation builds as I make my way through the corridors, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves.

The backstage area is a hive of activity, with crew members and fellow guests preparing for their respective segments. I catch glimpses of the familiar set and catchphrases that have made the show so beloved. It feels surreal to be a part of it all.

Moments later, I'm guided to the green room where I find myself surrounded by a team of hairstylists and makeup artists, ensuring every detail is perfect for my on-screen appearance. The nerves start to creep back in, but I remind myself to stay focused and enjoy the experience.

Finally, the moment arrives. The stage manager leads me toward the entrance, and I take a deep breath, ready to step into the spotlight. As the music cues and the audience erupts in cheers, I walk out with a confident smile, feeling the rush of adrenaline and the electric energy in the air.

James Corden greets me with his trademark charm, making me feel instantly at ease.

"Welcome, Lucy! It's so wonderful to have you here," James exclaims, his voice amplified by the studio's sound system. The audience's applause continues to reverberate throughout the studio as I take a seat beside him on the couch.

"Thank you, James. I'm thrilled to be here," I reply, my excitement bubbling beneath the surface. The stage lights bathe us in a warm glow, and I feel a surge of energy coursing through me.

"Now, Lucy, let's talk about your incredible journey so far," James begins, leaning in attentively. "From that viral TikTok to performing at the Grammys, it's been an extraordinary rise to fame. How does it all feel?"

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