Chapter 27

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The atmosphere in the room is electric. My family surrounds me, their faces glowing with pride and anticipation. Their chatter and laughter, the excited exchanges and shared memories, create a comforting cocoon of love and support around me.

Amidst the excitement and chatter, my thoughts drift to the message that popped up on my phone earlier from Harry. "Come to my dressing room before the show," it read, concise and void of emotion.

There's this tug of war inside me, pulling me in opposing directions. One part of me, perhaps the eternally optimistic side, wants to go see him. Maybe he's had a change of heart, a moment of clarity. Maybe this is the time he will genuinely apologize, or at least try to mend what's been broken between us.

But then there's the other side of me, the side that's guarded, hurt, and wary. It vividly recalls the barbs in his words, the coldness in his eyes, and the countless times he seemed to delight in undercutting my confidence. Every veiled insult, every dismissive gesture, they've all accumulated over time, building a wall of mistrust and pain.

Determined, I set my coffee down with a quiet resolve. No, not this time. I've been at the receiving end of his games for far too long. Tonight, I'm taking control, and I won't let him dictate the narrative.

Ignoring his message isn't just about avoiding potential conflict; it's a small act of reclaiming my agency, my self-worth. If he expects me to come running every time he beckons, he's in for a surprise. Maybe, just maybe, giving him a taste of his own medicine will make him realize that he can't keep treating me this way.

"We're on in 10!" Riff's voice cuts through the room's lively chatter, a call to action that immediately grabs everyone's attention. "Finally," Jett remarks with a mix of relief and eagerness, stretching his limbs as he rises from the lounge.

Sandy strides over, her energy palpable. "You ready, girl?" she questions, her hands gripping my arms gently but firmly, pulling me up from my seated position. "So ready" I smile at her.

My mom approaches, her face beams with a mix of pride and excitement. Wrapping her arms around me, she pulls me into a comforting embrace, the warmth of her hug grounding me amidst the pre-show frenzy.

"Can't wait to watch you rock it up there, baby girl," she murmurs, her voice filled with emotion and conviction. "You're amazing... don't ever forget that."

"I love you so much," I reply in a hushed tone, the sentiment deep and heartfelt.

She pulls away, her hands coming up to tenderly squish my face, a playful yet endearing gesture we've shared since I was a kid. With a twinkle in her eye, she plants a warm, loving kiss on my cheek, leaving a trace of her affection.

I smile at her and make my way over to the mirror. Giving my outfit a once-over, I ensure everything's in place, taking a moment to gather myself and find that final touch of confidence before hitting the stage.

The energy on stage was electrifying. Every note, every dance move, every interaction with the crowd was heightened, more vibrant. Knowing that my loved ones were out there, watching, cheering, sharing in this moment with me, made it all the more special. Every time I looked out, catching glimpses of familiar faces, I felt a surge of warmth and happiness. This wasn't just my dream; it was theirs too.

However, amidst the sea of well-wishers, there was Shawn. I could spot him easily, standing slightly apart from my family, surrounded by his group of friends. His presence was like a distant shadow, a reminder of everything going on.

As we settled into the green room, the atmosphere was filled with a joyful buzz, reflecting the success of the night. Platters of food were spread out on the tables, with crew and family alike mingling and sharing stories from the evening.

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