Chapter 32

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The show goes incredibly well. It feels surreal to be performing here, and despite my current frustration with my management, the mere thought of missing out on the MSG opportunity is awful so I guess that's one thing they did right.

Kyra and I don't linger for Harry's performance. Despite her attempts to convince me otherwise, I'm not ready to give Harry the impression that everything is forgiven. So, we exit the venue together, arm in arm, into a sea of enthusiastic fans chanting my name. Without delay, we jump straight into the waiting car.

Emma delivered an outfit for me, which I slipped into before we headed out, allowing us to go directly to the party. I wore a sleek black dress paired with white boots and a matching black trench coat. Kyra and I intentionally coordinated our looks so we can post it to instagram later.

As we pull up to the party, it's a relief to see no paparazzi lurking around. No cameras, no flashes – just a good night. I tug Kyra closer, half-joking, "Swear you won't abandon me for Niall tonight?" She shoots me a cheeky grin, "Promise, babe." We both burst into giggles as we head inside.

We take the elevator to the penthouse suite. As the doors slide open, a burst of lively music hits us, accompanied by the low hum of conversation. The suite is transformed into a lavish party scene with glittering lights, chic decor, and an eclectic mix of people, all engrossed in animated chatter or swaying to the beats. Kyra's eyes sparkle with excitement as she takes it all in, and I squeeze her hand, both of us ready to have a great night.

"KYRA!" The shout pulls our attention, and as we turn, Niall approaches with a relaxed stride, beer in one hand. His other arm stretches out in anticipation. "So glad you could make it!" With a grin, he wraps his arm around her waist, drawing her into a warm embrace.

As he releases her, his gaze shifts to me. "Lucy? I didn't expect to see you here." He envelopes me in a friendly embrace. "It's great to see you again," he says, pulling back with a genuine smile.

"Beer?" Niall asks, eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. Kyra grins, "Always up for one." In a flash, he's back, two beers in hand. I'm not typically a beer drinker, but I decide to go with the flow, not wanting to make a fuss about a different drink.

We clink our bottles together in a casual toast, the chilled glass pressing against my fingers. The atmosphere in the penthouse feels lively, every corner filled with chatter and laughter. As Kyra and Niall dive into a light conversation, I take a sip of my beer, the bitter taste washing over my palate. I make a mental note to pace myself, especially since beer isn't my usual drink of choice.

I scan the room, observing the diverse mix of people. There's a group dancing energetically by the massive windows that overlook the city, while others lounge on plush sofas, deep in conversation.

I don't really know why I agreed to come tonight, I don't know anyone and kyra is probably going to end up hooking up with Niall. That'll just leave me solo, awkwardly trying to strike up conversations. Why do I always put myself in these situations?

Niall's voice pulls me from my thoughts, "How's the tour going, Lucy?"

I smile, meeting his gaze. "It's been a whirlwind - crazy schedules, endless rehearsals. But, truly, it's been a dream. You should swing by one of our shows. It'd be great to have you there."

"I'll consider it," he replies with a thoughtful expression. "Though, every time I attend one of the 1D lads' shows, it turns into quite the spectacle. The fans, they just go wild," he chuckles.

"Yeah, that sounds about right," I say, laughing softly.

Niall grins, "It's all in good fun, but sometimes it's nice to fly under the radar, you know?"

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