Chapter 3

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"Lu can you please ask Harry if I can come" Talia asks for what feels like the hundredth time. Today is Friday aka. Dinner at Harrys house "Tals I told you it's a work thing, I really would if I could. I promise one day you will meet him"

"How do I look?" I ask, "Hot, how could he not want you" I laugh, "okay wish me luck". I gather all my things and head to the car. On the drive I post on Instagram.

The car comes to a stop "Lucy we have arrived" Brendan informs me

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The car comes to a stop "Lucy we have arrived" Brendan informs me. I feel my hands shake; I feel my anxiety increase "just give me a second" I reply.

I close my eyes and take two deep breaths. "I'm ready" Brendan approaches the door and it is opened.

Walking in I take a look around, its beautiful. This huge home makes my apartment look ridiculous. One day I will have something like this.

The door is opened so I walk right in. Paul walks straight up to me "Lucy, you made it" he wraps his arms around me for a quick hug. "Surprisingly it's only a 10-minute drive so was very easy to find" I welcome his embrace.

I look around the room and there is so many people I don't know, as I'm looking, I come across those green eyes. He is standing in the corner of the room with a drink in his hand.

He is in a conversation with someone I don't know however his eyes aren't on theirs they are on mine. He licks his lips, gives me a smile then returns his eyes to the person in front him.

Not showing Harry the effect he has on me is going to be much more challenging than I thought, especially when he looks at me like that.

Paul continues to talk however I can't focus on anything "Can I get you a drink?" I return my attention back to Paul, "that would be amazing" I answer. Maybe alcohol will help this situation.

"You lightened your hair" I hear a raspy voice behind me. I turn around and am met with those eyes again. "I did, do you like it" smiling at his ability to notice the small things.

"You look stunning" he smiles, "Thanks, by the way it's nice to finally meet you" I extend my hand "it's nice to meet you Lucy" he takes my hand and kisses it.

"You can call me Lu" I say "already on nickname basis, in that case you can call me H" he laughs. "You've caused quite the stir by following and liking my posts" I say pretending to be mad.

Harry laughs "hey I just wanted to follow a pretty girl; I can't help that my fans find out everything I do". He puts his hands up acting like he is defeated.

"You think I'm pretty" I tease, "you know I do" he winks and walks off leaving me flustered. This is going to be a long night.

"Dinner is ready" a server announces. The table is set with name tags, so I find mine and sit down. I look across the table and sure enough harry is sitting directly in front of me. He must have planned this.

The first course is placed in front of me, I think it's some sort of soufflé. It's amazing.

The room is filled with conversations and laughter. Paul is talking to me about my shows for next week "Sorry can I just take a moment to say a couple things"

Rob Stringer the labels CEO interrupts "this week Lucy set new records for the most streamed album in the release week, we are all so proud of you and so grateful to be working with you" everyone claps, and I mouth thank you to Rob.

"Because of the success we have spoken to Paul and think it would be a great idea for you to join Harry on tour" my mouth opens, and I quickly close it. "I think it's a great idea" Harry chimes in winking at me.

"I'd be honoured sir" is all I can manage to say, a tour with harry. "How long will I be opening for him?" I question "the tour starts in September so we will announce you opening till the end of the year then reassess depending on how things are looking"

"that's in one month!" I say surprised "oh yeah, wow that came around fast. We have already cleared it with everyone to make sure you're free. It will be great publicity" he simply says. All I do is nod

The rest of the night is spent talking about the tour and all the things planned. Every time I look over at Harry he just smiles. Its honestly reassuring knowing he is so happy about all this.

The night comes to an end and my driver takes me home. My phone buzzes so I check it

 My phone buzzes so I check it

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