Chapter 36

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Harry's POV~

The conference room at Columbia Records felt colder than usual. The vast table stretched out before me, surrounded by stern faces - the power players of the label. I took a deep breath and claimed the chair directly opposite Martin, the lead executive. Our gazes locked, and for a moment, the room was filled with tension thick enough to slice through.

"Harry," Martin began, his tone falsely genial, "we're pleased you could join us. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

Gritting my teeth, I retorted, "Let's skip the pleasantries, Martin. You know why I'm here."

"I assume it has something to do with your little girlfriend."

"I think we're beyond the point of playing coy," I replied, irritation evident in my voice. "Lucy is not my 'little girlfriend'. She's a talented artist who earned her spot on this tour."

Martin leaned back, interlocking his fingers, smirking as if he knew a secret. "The tour, yes. Quite a decision to have her as an opener. But, of course, that decision has... changed."

The audacity of his casual dismissal lit a fire in me. "She was handpicked, based on her talent, passion, and the connection she shares with the audience. You can't just kick her off without consulting me first."

Martin's cold eyes flickered, almost amused. "You seem to forget, Harry. While you are one of our biggest assets, decisions here are based on a larger picture. One that might be obscured to you because of... certain personal interests."

"Personal interests? Do not disguise your lack of professionalism by pinning this on me," I shot back. "I may have personal ties, but I've always separated my work from my personal life. If Lucy's been removed because of rumors about us, that's not only unjust, it's discriminatory."

Martin straightened up, exuding an arrogant confidence. "Mr. Styles, it's not only about the rumors. It's about what's optimal for the label. We've decided to place Lucy on a different tour - with Shawn."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." My voice was louder than I intended, echoing through the room. Every eye was fixed on me, some surprised, others with veiled amusement.

Martin leaned forward, his smirk intact, enjoying the rise he got out of me. "It's a business move, Harry. Shawn and Lucy together will generate more buzz, more attention. It's an opportunity for Lucy to grow her fan base. Shouldn't you be happy for her?"

"Happy? You're using her as a pawn in some twisted publicity stunt," I shot back, my voice dripping with disdain.

"Let's be real here Harry, the only reason you are so sad is because it's with him and not you."

Heat surged up my neck and into my cheeks, but I kept my composure, looking Martin dead in the eyes. "You really think this is about jealousy? This is about ethics. About doing what's right for artists, rather than manipulating them for the next headline."

Martin's smirk widened, clearly enjoying pushing my buttons. "The industry is about creating narratives, Harry. Fans love a good story, and Shawn and Lucy? They love them together. Them touring together is a gold mine."

Feeling the weight of my lawyer's presence beside me, I took a steadying breath and pointedly tapped a folder lying on the table in front of me. "Speaking of narratives, let's discuss the discrepancies we found in Lucy's contract compared to those of other artists," I said, choosing to steer the conversation.

Martin's smirk faltered for a moment, replaced by a hint of apprehension. "Discrepancies? What are you talking about?"

My lawyer smoothly interjected, adjusting his glasses, "We've taken a closer look at the contracts of multiple artists under Columbia, and we found several clauses in Lucy's contract that aren't in line with industry standards, and moreover, are specifically designed to limit her agency."

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