Chapter 12

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Hey! are you guys enjoying the story? do you want me to continue? I would love to hear your voices throughout x btw if you can, read this chapter listening to some party music... Caitlin x


Stepping off the stage, my heart still racing with excitement, a crowd of people surrounds me, showering me with compliments and praise. I graciously thank each person, feeling their energy fuel my own sense of accomplishment. But amidst the hustle and bustle, I search for Kyra's familiar face.

With a beaming smile, Kyra greets me and places a drink in my hand. I take a sip, savouring the cool sensation of the vodka gliding down my throat. "Vodka spritz," Kyra announces with a playful lean, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. "Just what I need," I reply, returning her smile.

The DJ steps onto the stage, his voice echoing through the speakers as he introduces himself to the energetic crowd. Though his words fade into the background, drowned out by the pulsating beats, I raise my glass and skull the rest of the drink, relishing the lingering taste of the drink on my tongue.

Without missing a beat, I follow Kyra's lead, my footsteps in sync with her as we make our way to the bar. The vibrant lights and energetic atmosphere envelop us, casting a hazy glow over the room. Conversations merge with rhythmic melodies, creating a symphony of laughter and excitement.

At the bar, we exchange knowing glances, the anticipation of the night ahead dancing in our eyes. The bartender, greets us with a warm smile "What can I get you beautiful ladies?"

"Two vodka spritz," I say, projecting my voice over the thumping music. Just as I'm about to place the order, a familiar voice interrupts. "Actually, make that four," it says from behind me. I turn around, my heart skipping a beat as I find myself face to face with Harry and Niall, both of them grinning.

"You got it," the bartender confirms as he starts preparing the drinks. I turn my attention to Harry, a mixture of surprise and delight dancing in my eyes. "I didn't know you were going to this party," I say, genuine curiosity in my voice.

Harry smirks, his gaze fixed on me. "Well, Niall is sort of the host tonight," he explains, his voice filled with a touch of excitement. "It's his mate's birthday, and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to see him. Plus, I heard you were singing... didn't want to miss that either," he adds, his wink adding a playful edge to his words.

"You remember Kyra," I say, gesturing towards my best friend. Harry's eyes light up with recognition, and a warm smile spreads across his face. "Of course, how could I forget?" he replies, his voice laced with genuine fondness. I can practically see Kyra fangirling on the inside, her excitement barely contained.

Harry then turns to Niall, who stands beside him and introduces us. "Niall, this is Kyra," Harry says, motioning towards her, "and, of course, you know Lucy."

"Nice to meet you both," Niall says warmly, extending his hand towards both Kyra and me. I grasp his hand, "Lucy, you did incredible. Thank you for coming on such short notice," he adds with a genuine appreciation in his voice.

I return the handshake with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Niall. It's an honour to be here and be a part of this special celebration," I reply. Kyra joins in, expressing her gratitude as well. "Yes, thank you so much for having us. It's been an amazing night so far," she says, her excitement evident in her voice.

As the bartender hands us our four vodka spritz drinks, Niall decides to take it up a notch. "We might as well get four vodka shots too," he says with a mischievous grin. "Why not start tonight with a bang?" The bartender nods in agreement and swiftly prepares the additional shots. We exchange glances, a shared excitement evident on our faces.

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