Chapter 23

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"Lucy," Shawn says, pulling his arm away from my grip. "Please, stop." He grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. "Shawn, I don't want to talk to you right now," I say, trying to free my hand from his grasp. I keep walking toward the door.

I don't need this drama. I don't even want to be here. Harry is acting like a jealous boyfriend, and Shawn is not helping the situation. I don't understand what Harry is trying to achieve with all of this. I just want to go home.

"Stop," Shawn demands, gripping my wrist and trapping me against the wall. To everyone else, it looks like we are a couple that's getting frisky, but this is definitely not that. "Shawn, let go," I urge, attempting to squirm away. He firmly holds both of my hands, while his other hand leans against the wall, trapping me in place. I feel powerless to move or break free from his hold.

"You're mine, Lucy," he whispers, leaning in close to my neck. "I suggest you start behaving like it." He kisses my neck, then pulls back to meet my gaze. "You're drunk," I stammer, attempting to turn my head away. However, he grips my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

He chuckles, then leans in, his lips grazing against mine. Just in time, I manage to turn my head away. Shawn glares at me, anger burning in his eyes. "I'm not in the mood for games," he asserts, his voice filled with frustration. "Kiss me or you'll regret it." He licks his lips, his tone demanding. "Go to hell," I grit my teeth.

Where the fuck is Brendan? Why have I got no security watching me...

"We are done Shawn," I don't care about any contract. This is not worth it. Shawn chuckles, and licks his lips, "It's not that easy to get rid of me, baby."

"Let me go," I assert, my voice firm. Shawn raises his hands in surrender and takes a step back. I'm unsure why he suddenly relented, but I have no intention of staying to find out. Without hesitation, I head straight for the door, determined to leave.

As I walk towards the exit, Sandy approaches me with a concerned expression. "Tell me you're not leaving," she pleads. I offer her a reassuring smile before glancing around the room to locate Shawn. To my relief, I notice that he has already moved away, joining a group of people across the room.

"You can't leave just yet," Sandy insists, a pleading tone in her voice. "We haven't even had a single drink to celebrate." I contemplate her request for a moment, weighing my options. Ultimately, I decide to stay, but I make a conscious effort to keep my distance from Shawn. Tomorrow, I will have a meeting with management to discuss terminating the contract, I'm done with him.

I follow Sandy to the bar, and she orders two vodka spritzes, which is more to my liking. She hands me one, and together we find a table on the side of the room. As I glance around, I spot Shawn across the room, engaged in conversation with a group of people. Then, my eyes land on Harry, who is in the middle of the dance floor, dancing with a blonde girl.

I feel a surge of frustration. So, Harry can get upset when I'm with someone who is meant to be my "boyfriend," but he has no problem dancing with some other girl? The double standard is infuriating.

I roll my eyes in exasperation before taking a sip of my drink. Sandy notices my reaction and probes further, asking, "What's going on between you two?" I raise an eyebrow and reply, "You mean with Shawn?" She chuckles and responds, "Come on, Lu, I'm not clueless."

"It's very obvious that Shawn is a distraction from Harry. Was it management's idea or yours?" I should be surprised that she figured it out, but I'm not. Sandy has a knack for figuring everything out.

"Management's," I confirm with a sigh. Sandy leans forward, gripping my hand gently. "Are you okay?" she asks, her concern evident. It's the first time someone has genuinely asked if I'm okay with everything that has been happening. No one else seemed to care. Even Talia, who thought it was a dream come true, didn't bother to check in on me.

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