Chapter 25

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Falling in love, it was never something I expected. The feelings crept in, silent and unassuming, a quiet whisper at the back of my mind that I chose to ignore. Perhaps, I was aware, on some deeper level, of the shift that was happening inside me. But acknowledging it was too risky, too real.

Yet now, as I watch Harry walk away from me, every layer of denial is stripped away. The ache in my chest is tangible, a throbbing pulse that syncs with the rhythm of my beating heart. It's a sharp pain, like a swift cut, raw and stinging. The silence in his wake feels heavy, weighted with words unsaid and feelings unexpressed.

My gaze lingers on his retreating figure, each step he takes creating a chasm that widens between us. His shoulders are hunched, hands buried in his pockets, an image of defeat that strikes me more profoundly than any argument we've had. The longing that tightens my heart isn't just a yearning for his presence, but a desperate wish to ease his pain, to shoulder his burdens.

And in that moment, as I watch him walk away from me, I can't help but admit to myself the truth I've been running from. I am in love with Harry. And the reality of that thought terrifies me more than I care to admit.

I've only ever been in love once before. It was young, innocent love. The kind of love you have when you're a teenager, where everything is intense and passionate, yet fleeting. The kind of love that leaves you with sweet memories and a bit of nostalgia but fades with time as you grow and change.

But this—this is an entirely different beast. This is love in its mature, raw form. It's real and overwhelming, filled with complexities and subtleties I never knew existed. It's at times frightening in its intensity and daunting in its depth. It requires vulnerability and honesty in a way I've never given before. It's not simply about butterflies in the stomach or stolen kisses under the moonlight.

It's about seeing each other at our most vulnerable and choosing to stay regardless. It's about understanding, sacrifice, and weathering storms together. And as I stand here, watching Harry walk away, I can't help but realize that this is what I've been fighting against, the feelings I've been trying to suppress.

For the first time, I've fallen in love as an adult, and the person I've fallen for doesn't want me.

I dial Brendan's number, requesting him to bring the car around. I can't bear to be here a minute longer. Just as I'm making my way out of the building, I feel a tug on my arm. I turn around, surprised to see Shawn. His grip is firm, "Where are you going" he questions.

"Shawn, please" I plead, not in the mood for drama. I try to wriggle free, but his hold on my arm remains unyielding.

"I'm not ready to leave," he responds matter-of-factly. "Well, then stay," I retort. His next words carry a hint of condescension that grates on my nerves. "You're forgetting something, sweetheart," he begins, "If you step out there alone, the paparazzi will see you. That'll stir up quite a headache for your management team tomorrow," he warns.

"Then let them stir," I snap back, tired of everyone trying to manage my life. I'm not a puppet for them to control.

"Just remember, your actions have consequences," he retorts, the coldness in his voice sending a shiver down my spine.

"Maybe I'm ready to face those consequences," I shoot back, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions brewing inside me.

With that, I yank my arm out of his grip and walk away, leaving him standing alone in the dim light.

The second I step outside, a barrage of camera flashes and eager voices hit me. Questions fly from every direction, most of them about Shawn and why I'm leaving the club alone. I don't respond, keeping my head high and my expression neutral as I walk past the swarm of paparazzi.

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